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Return to product page after order update

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    Return to product page after order update

    Dear All

    I've recently had a couple of complaints:

    "The one click ordering was very good, but it would be better, if when the order is updated you are returned to the page you were looking at instead of returning to the main menu."

    I've never had this complaint before - I've tried to recreate this by placing an order and checking basket to make changes and trying all the options available. I've tried this on 3 computers with different operating systems (all PCs, all Internet Explorer however).

    I cannot recreate this problem - every which way, it always returns to the last product page viewed.

    Therefore, methinks it cannot be the site but something to do with the customers' side - anybody know anything?



    The customer has something like Norton Security or Zone Alarm which supresses the referrer information. The new release, 6.1.4 has a fix for this. I have not tried it yet.
    Bob Ladden

