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Permissions error on update

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    Permissions error on update

    I see the following error when trying to Update or refresh the site:

    200 Type set to I.
    200 PORT Command successful.
    550 Permission Denied.

    This is followed by a window that tells me the problem is probably due to permissions or disk space.

    Sometimes if will happen when it has just started to upload files, others when it is well into the process,

    and has logged in and out numerous times.

    I check disk space (lots) and permissions, giving every possible user permissions just to see what happens yet

    the error seems to persist. One user "Creator/Owner" does not seem to allow me to change the permissions


    I check the FTP server settings to make sure it does not block the user for too many login attempts, time out,


    How do I determine which user Actinic is when trying to access the folder?
    Regards, Tom

    ive just started getting this error myself, started on friday evening. infact ive had to go as far as deleting the entire site and am now in the process of uploading it again...which takes over 6 hours on boradband

    before i deleted everything I logged into the server using flashfxp to try and remove the file that was causing the error. i was unable to do anything to the file. i couldn't rename it, copy it, move it or delete it

    in the end i had to get in touch with tech support at fasthosts and get them to log into my account as an admin user and kill the file

    if you have any insights into the problem i would be grateful.


      I just remembered that something similar happened to me (not using Actinic) when my ISP made a system change and the perl scripts started running in a different user/group.
      Bob Ladden


        Thanks Bob,

        Hmm, I recently installed some new PERL modules, I'll see if I can shut PERL down to test, thanks.

        I'm still trying to recall how to tell which user account Actinic is using when it accesses the folder, that will help in terms of seeing what permissions it has.

        How did you know what file was causing the error? If I watch the FTP log on the server in real time as the files are being transferred it always seems to stop a a random point in the upload. I'm in a slightly better position than yourself for fixing the problem because the client machine and the server are almost side by side and I can switch between them with a KVM switch. The server runs Windows 2003 and automatic updates are enabled, one of the latest updates was Data Access Components, wonder if one of the updates did something.
        Regards, Tom


          In Actinic, Help->Troubleshooting->Web Site Analysis give you lot of good information about your server environment, including the user it is running in.
          Bob Ladden


            That diagnostic window is a good one to be aware of, thanks Bob.

            It listed a user account that I normally just use for the cgi-bin folder but I added it to the Acatalog directory for good measure but still no luck. Under the check for modified PERL scripts it just lists as being different from the original, which makes sense as you'll recall that is the one you and I were modifying on purpose a few weeks back.

            The most frustrating part of all this is the fact that Actinic forces me to FTP all my site files or use the painful manual transfer method in spite of the fact my server is on my network and it would be ever so simple to transfer them on a mapped network drive. This and the fact that Actinic does not support '.cfm' file extensions to me are its biggest downside that will hopefully get some serious attention in the next version.

            Hopefully there will be a way to diagnose this problem, at this point it is impossbile to update the site.

            Bikclp: What Operating System is your ISP running? I wonder if this is something relating to a recent OS update in Windows 2003.
            Regards, Tom


              My ISP run FreeBSD Unix. Life just seems easier with a Unix server. Windows permissions can be maddening.
              Bob Ladden


                when i got the error it always stoped on the same file so i figured that was the one that was causing the error.

                so i FTP'd to the server and tried to delete it but i couldnt do anyhitng to it

                fastahosts are running windows 2003 server i think, its a real pain if anything like this happens as i have to phone our reseller and then get them to contact tech support..

                really thinking about chaning hosts...any suggestions

                neway back to problem....i got fasthosts to delete the entire /acatalog folder and i re-uploaded the entire site yesterday. it went on fine but now im getting the followoing errors anytime a script is run

                "Internal Server Error
                The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request."

                im not sure if they have updated there servers, but if this is whats causing the errors then that might be why a few people i have spoken to are getting the same sorts of problems

                anyone had any luck sorting it out?


                  fastahosts are running windows 2003 server i think, its a real pain if anything like this happens as i have to phone our reseller and then get them to contact tech support..
                  We tend to have a lot more success running Actinic stores on Fasthost's Unix servers rather than their Windows servers. Ask your web-host to get you switched over.


                    Yikes, that is depressing news, does this mean we should look at investing in a new cart because Actinic is not compatible with WIndows 2003?

                    If there was an easier way to update the server across a network drive this problem could be avoided completely, the requirement to have to use FTP is one that needs to be seriously looked at in future versions I think.

                    Do you have any further suggestions for trying to get around this problem I could try, I've run out of ideas.

                    Phil: I had a look at your site, it looks like the image files are missing from your /actatalog/images/ directory on the server.
                    Regards, Tom


                      The good news that came my way after 3 hours was the problem seems to have gone away. The bad news for is, I don't know how I fixed it should it happen again. In fact I really had to muck things up to get it fixed, at one point making it so you could not access any websites whatsoever on the server.

                      Basically I started to play with the Network settings after recreating all the relevant FTP accounts and playing with every conceivable setting. The I went and ran the wizrd. As it reported some errors I started changing passwords on all the user accounts. After 3 hours of trial and error it finally seemed to work.

                      Now one strange thing. The wizard suggested to me that it found perl shell to be in a directory called perl5. The actual directory is c:\perl but I thought what the heck let it try. For some reason that seems to work. Does that make sense?
                      Regards, Tom


                        Now one strange thing. The wizard suggested to me that it found perl shell to be in a directory called perl5. The actual directory is c:\perl but I thought what the heck let it try. For some reason that seems to work. Does that make sense?
                        Yes - often web hosts install multiple versions of perl on the same server, with each one in a separate folder.


                          That would explain it, however we don't have a web host, it runs on our own server and the only PERL I installed is in C:\Perl, that's what's a bit strange. Oh well, as long as it works I may as well leave it as is. Thanks.
                          Regards, Tom

