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Showing Componant Pricing

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    Showing Componant Pricing

    I've searched through the forums but haven't seen a solution I like to this, but am I right in thinking that if you choose "Sum of Components Prices" there is no way to automatically show those prices on the Item page?


    3 Months - £39.99 | 6 Months - £67.99 | 12 Months 130.99

    Would I have to either put the price in the item description, or actually type it into the text of the choice componant?

    Which in the end would mean having to change prices all over the place if a price changed and not just in the catalogue - something I'm hoping to avaoid.

    This is unfortunately a great weakness of Actinic.

    At the moment you've no choice but to add the additional price to component or choice descriptions manually with all the nuisance that causes.

    It's even worse for Business customers who are on discounts as there's absolutely no way to show them their price for a component or other choice.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      I agree this is a weakness, but it is possible to use the 'Customer Message' field within the 'Prices' grid of a component to communicate component pricing information to your trade/logged-in customers.

