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making things sit correctly in custom templates

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    making things sit correctly in custom templates


    I have built a store with a custom template to fit in with a sites branding.

    my problem is that i need to narrow a couple of tables because when they are currently being displayed they are stretching my template.

    Selecting shipping destination (step 1 of checkout)
    When you do not select a shipping destination, the error message appears in a table. Think the template that is used of rthis section is Act_Order00.html but there doenst appear to be anywhere that mentions about the width of a table that would fix this. I have altered all other widths on that page.

    Postage and not filling fields in (step 1 of checkout)
    Around where the postage is stated, there is a table with a width of 600, i need this to narrow but cannot find where to do so.
    When you do not fill in all required fields, the error message appears in a table. Think the template that is used of this section is Act_Order01.html but there doenst appear to be anywhere that mentions about the width of a table that would fix this. I have altered all other widths on that page.

    Speedy response would be much appreciated

    thank you

    also another thing, is there any way of the receipt page opening up in a new window? at the moment in the template i have if set in, it missing some of the right hand side when printing


    to the top


      There is a knowledge base article about the error message box HERE.

      With regards to the table that is 'Around where the postage is stated' I would need more info or a URL to look at before I could advise.

      also another thing, is there any way of the receipt page opening up in a new window? at the moment in the template i have if set in, it missing some of the right hand side when printing
      Nope. All you could (and should really) do is use a very plain overall layout template with no sidebars, and select it in 'Design | Options | Layouts'.


        thanks, have changed that bit, will test when i do an upload later.

        regards the other bit, if you go to

        and add an item to the basket, on the second step of filling in your details, there is a table around the postage which i need to narrow down.



          It looks like the code is in

