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Default settings for Attribute buttons

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    Default settings for Attribute buttons

    Hi all

    Is there a simple way to have attribute buttons default to "Drop Dow List" instead of "Radio Buttons"?
    I rarely use RBs and am getting sick of having to manually change each one!

    Steve Robertson

    Hi there,

    There is not a default way of setting the attribute properties to be a set value, however, I am currently checking if this can be done manually by altering a value within the database.
    Thank You
    Menar Khan


      Hi there,

      Please open up the ActinicCatalog.mdb file to alter the settings for the attributes. This can be found in Actinic Ecommerce V6 | Sites | Site1 (via windows explorer).

      In the database there is a table called 'ProductProperties' this table has all the values from attribute, components, choices etc.

      Within this table you will find a column with the heading 'nType', below is the indication of the type of the property:

      1 - searchable item
      2 - additional prompt (not implemented)
      3 - HTML Variable
      4 - Price schedule
      5 - Component
      6 - Attribute
      7 - Choice
      8 - Permutation
      9 - Section Classification

      The column 'nValue2' table value corresponds to the widget type as below;

      0 Undefined
      1 Drop Down List
      2 Radio Button
      3 Check Box
      4 Button

      Note: The nValue2' only applies to 'Property type 6'.

      I have added this to our wish list, to be contemplated for future release.

      Hope this helps
      Thank You
      Menar Khan



        Thanks Menar

        I'll give it a try.

