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simple Search Redirect to advanced search

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    simple Search Redirect to advanced search

    My simple searchno longer redirects people to the advanced search page, instead it seems to take them back to the page they initiated the search on. Does anyone know how can i solve this problem? Also is there a limit to the amount of products that one can hold in the catalogue

    My simple search no longer redirects people to the advanced search page, instead it seems to take them back to the page they initiated the search on.
    When a customer carries out the search, it takes people through to a 'results' page, which includes an advanced search tool (at the bottom of the results). The simple search has never redirected people to 'search.html' - the advanced search page. This only happens when customers click the 'Search' link on the navigation bar.
    Also is there a limit to the amount of products that one can hold in the catalogue
    Not really. We give the figure of 10,000 as a guideline, but customers have gone above that. The search works fine online with large numbers, it's just that Actinic will start to take up a large amount of space on your PC and online, and also if you ever need to do a refresh it will take hours.


      Hi Daniel

      Adding futhur to what Chris had written

      I have had clients who have gone beyond this amount (10,000) and it still works.

      Please remember, Actinic uses an Access database, and access has a limitation of holding up to 2 gigabytes. If it does beyond this amount, then access will become corrupted

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        i've included a URL straight to one of the pages.
        let me know how you get on, thanks.


          I would prefer the user to be taken to the advanced search page following any search, failed or successful. how can this be done? anyone know?


            failed or successful.
            Surely after a successful search you want people to be taken to the product that they have searched for?

            Here's another approach. Why not put an 'Advanced Search' link next to the 'Simple Search' field that links to NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSEARCHLINK? That way, customers will always be able to get to the advanced search quickly.


              Where would i place that? This is the code from the search part of the page

              <form name=simplesearch action="" method="GET">
              <td width="124" align=right nowrap><div align="center"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
              <input type="TEXT" name="SS" size="15" maxsize="125" value="Simple Search" onFocus="this.value='';'#FFFFFF'">
              <td width="103" align=left valign="top" nowrap><input name="ACTION" type="image" id="ACTION4" src="search.gif" align="middle" width="45" height="15" border="">
              <span class="actxxsmall"> </span>
              <input type=HIDDEN name="PR" value="-1">
              <input type=HIDDEN name="TB" value="A"> <span class="actxxsmall">
              <input type=HIDDEN name="SHOP" value="">
              </span> </td>

              Thanks for any help again


                Include the code:

                <a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBSEARCHLINK">Advanced Search</a>

                somewhere near NETQUOTEVAR:SIMPLESEARCH in 'Act_Primary.html'. It needs to be in Act_Primary rather than Act_SimpleSearch.

