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A login re-direct question

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    A login re-direct question

    Hi everyone,

    I am currently developing a site and am required to implement a login system. I haven't done this before in Actinic, and indeed this is the first time I have used the product, but I have managed to get the site to allow a customer to sign up for an account. Great.

    Now how do I get the customer to see what I want them to when they login? For example, look at the site: and there is a link 'test' in the main body. From what I understand, say I want the customer to log in then get passed to a new page ("More_Info.html"), you have the link as so: - for which I am just using any old page in the Actinic directory. Ok, you click the link and get a login page - good so far. However when a customer enters a username and password, they are instead directed to 'shop.html' (a test user exists if anyone wants to see, martinj/password). But, once this initial stage is passed, clicking the 'test' link does go to the required page.

    What am I missing here? Any options I need to have enabled in the software? I am using Developer 6.1.4 btw.

    Cheers for any advice!!

    this looks like...

    a problem i had where you go to login via an ssl page and the url thats passed to the script, your more_info.html is lost...

    heres the thread where it got sorted, hope it helps.

    ACTUALLY, now i come to think of it I have noticed one other bug thats a pain in the butt, Nadeem if your listening, IF someone logs in incorrectly, when they are bounced back to the login page, the TARGET= has changed back into SSTARGET therefore simply displaying an error page when they do login correctly and not looking great.

    This would happen for every single person who mistyped their login details....

    steve quinn
    harlequin domains


      Hi harlequin,

      Thanks for the reply, appreciated. I had found that thread when I searched, but I hadn't tried it.

      Tried it just now, works a treat!

      Many thanks for your advice.

