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Order Line Item Dropping Taxes

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    Order Line Item Dropping Taxes

    When attempting to process an order from a customer account, going into the Pending orders and selecting the Line Items tab, and viewing a Order Line, the tax amount is showing correctly on the "original" column, but missing on the "current" column with no accessible way to correct. Everything is grayed out. Screen shot attached. Using version
    Attached Files
    Steve Moore
    Larimer County Colorado

    Are you uploading on one machine and downloading on another? If so, check the 'Business Settings | Tax' area in the downloading machine, and check they have tax defined correctly.

    Otherwise, try changing the customer's country (in the 'Customer' tab) to a country in a different tax zone, and then change it back.


      We seem to have isolated the procedure that is causing this problem, but it does not make any sense.
      1) Login to customer account and place an order. Shipping & Taxes applied correctly. This account is for customers who walk in and purchase products in person, where we do not want to charge them shipping. Payment is due with invoice.
      2) Download order.
      3) Double-click on pending order in Actinic.
      4) Line-Item tab is active on open. Double-click on one order line-item, Order line window opens. Change shipped value to 1.
      5) Click on Shipping & Handling tab. Change Calculated shipping value to 0 because we don't want to charge them. Click Update Order Shipping button.
      6) Click Progress and Payments tab. Click View Payments button. Click New Payment button. Click, OK button.
      7) Click Reprint Invoice to give customer a copy.

      If we do just this, everything is OK and works successfully. However, if the staff person running Actinic hits the Customer tab, then the error happens when they subsequently click on another tab or close the order.

      First a dialog box (#1 in attached) shows up from UPS tools stating the address has changed. We didn't change anything.

      Then another one comes up (#2 in attached) stating the taxes need to be changed because of location change.

      After OKing these messages, the taxes are wiped out and cannot be corrected.
      Attached Files
      Steve Moore
      Larimer County Colorado


        Hmmm. The UPS interface does not seem to like you manually changing the shipping cost.

        Maybe you can create a new shipping class (in the 'Shipping' tab) with zero cost that is just used for customers in the store.

        You can do clever things like create a country in 'Advanced | Locations' that does not exist and your staff have to select this country in the first checkout page in order for the customer to qualify for the zero-cost shipping class.

        How does that sound?


          Ideally, having a shipping class of zero cost for this walk-up customer would be ideal. However we need to charge the appropriate tax amount based upon our location, which has been customized already for our multiple possible taxing entities.

          Not sure really how to define such a situation within Actinic.
          Steve Moore
          Larimer County Colorado


            In which case, in the 'Shipping' tab, create a new zone called 'Colorado' and create a zero cost class within it called 'Collect From Store'. This will appear with all the UPS classes within the shipping drop-down.

            Within Actinic, the shipping classes are listed in cost order so the cheapest (i.e. 'Collect From Store') will be first. You can change the order of them by following the instructions in the kb article HERE.

