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    Hidden Pages

    We run a store (Actinic Catalogue) for a client which is a member based organisation ("") for anyone interested. The store ("") is on a separate server and is accessed by a hyperlink from the main site.
    Our client would now like to have a section of the store which is accessible only by Members (for members only discounted products).
    I would prefer not do this with a password to enter a "restricted area" (would Actinic 6 Business be able to do this though?) but rather by members accessing a restricted web page(s) on the store site by entering it via a URL from the "Members Only" section of the main site. To enter the Members Only area on the main site members already have to provide their membership number and surname which is checked against an on-line database for validity, so that we know (well 95% sure! ) that they are bona fide. I don't fancy having to implement the same code in Actinic.

    Am I making sense? Any suggestions gratefull (as always) accepted


    There are two possibilities.

    1) Upgrade to Actinic Business and use the customer account functionality to enter all your customers into the application. You can then give each one their own unique username and password and allow them to log into the store, to see the section of products that you have set as being visible only to logged-in customers.

    2) Buy a second license of Actinic Catalog to create a members-only store within the restricted area of your website. That way, customers would only have to log in once.

    Hope these help clarify your choices.


      It's easy if you create your own templates and navigation links (as I do). Just don't create any links to the section that you want to keep private and don't publish a sitemap.

      If you're letting actinic create the navigation links then there's no easy way to do it without using 'Business' rather than catalog (or a separate copy of catalog as Chris says).


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Thanks Chris & Mike

