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Major Problems

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    Major Problems

    Hello Everyone.

    I have been experiencing some major problems with Actinic recently and I hope someone can help figure it out. Heres the background:

    Our designer came up with a new front page and sent to us as a snapshot.

    We tried to upload this, but it had been designed in a previous version.

    Both myself and the designer upgraded/patched our Actinic to the lastest version.

    They then sent me a snapshot from the now updated Actinic and I tried to import it - This is where things go a bit fuzzy.

    When importing the snapshot it ran through and then opened a new screen I hadnt seen before. This screen informed me that 3 of the .html files had errors within them and did I want them to be imported, I was told to click the green light next to them .

    The snapshot was then on my computer and seem to work fine with local previews etc. We made a few changes to some of the categories and subcategories and this caused the local previews to stop. This seemed to be because some of the page names clashed with what was in the previewhtml folder. We changed a load of the page names and the preview worked again!

    Anyway we came to do an upload of the new snapshot and box appeared: (see attachment)

    The upload took about 3 1/2 hours to complete and eventually it appeared online.

    The problem is that when I try and put a test order through I get the following error:

    A General Script Error Occurred

    Error: The site configuration has been updated by the shop operator while you are checking out. Please navigate back to the product pages by pressing the Browser Back button and try again or contact the site owner.
    Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

    I would really appreciate anyones help here, I understand there are a lot of things that have happened so it may make it more difficult to pin point the problem.


    Attached Files

    Ok, quick update things seem to work at the moment. Thanks for your views.

