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selling cheese by the kilo

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    selling cheese by the kilo

    Hello all.

    I'm returning to actinic (v6) after a break (last site in v4). My client wants to sell her fantastic cheese with the following options:
    • 200g
    • 500g
    • 1kg
    • whole cheese
    • an option for the customer to enter their desired weight -eg 650g

    The price has to show per kilo.

    I have spent all day around this, and seemed to get somewhere with one component, one attribute and four choices for the first four, as a drop down list, but am foxed with how you combine that with the final item on the list, and get the price to show per kilo if they are ordering in grams

    Or am I barking up the wrong tree? Please help - I can't find anything here that seems to answer this one.

    You can price the final choice per gram via the permutations tab and have the customer enter the number of grams in the Quantity field.

    You may still have problems because Actinic only allows you to price in whole pennies so a price per gram may not be viable.

    The only simple work-around would be to set the price per 10 or 100g and ask the customer to enter the number of units they want.

    You could make this a little more friendly by hiding the quantity field (preset to 1), adding a text input field for the number of grams and create a little JavaScript that takes that value, divides it by say 10, rounds it to the nearest 10g and sticks that value into the hidden quantity field.


    PS I've also done some patches that allow a calculated value to override the usual Actinic one. Contact me by e-mail if interested as these aren't free.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman

      You said that
      You can price the final choice per gram via the permutations tab and have the customer enter the number of grams in the Quantity field.

      You may still have problems because Actinic only allows you to price in whole pennies so a price per gram may not be viable.
      Would it be possible then to have a price per kilo and get the customer to enter eg 0.75kg. Does actinic do fractions? I don't seem to be able to get this to work, but there is a poster elsewhere on this forum that seems to have been able to. (someone who is selling fabric).

      I will email you re the plug ins.


        I'm afraid the quantity can only be integer. That together with the price being in whole pennies kind of prevents you selling in grams as 1p per gram gives you £10 per Kg and the next available price is 2p -> £20 per Kg.

        It may be possible to sell in Kilograms and allow some sort of fractional entry but that would involve some custom patching.

        It might make more sense to forget the weight entry field and just expand your drop down list to contain all the likely weights that you customers would want and set the corresponding price against each such weight.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Thanks for that. I went back to Kai's posting about selling fabrics and used the text files you posted there, changing metres to kilos and selling in 100g units (a l'etto, v italian). This seems to work fine, thanks for all that genius work, but there are a few refinements that I would be most grateful if you could help me with.

          You can see where I am at at

          The first cheese, <i>tomme de chevre</i>, is the one I am experimenting with. mmmmm.

          My client would like to limit the minimum amount to 200gr. As you can see, I have tried to limit the amount to min 2, but this throws up a confusing errormessage.
          Quantity: The quantity must be a whole number between 2 and 32767.
          I'd like this to read "minimum quantity 0.2kg (200g)" Any ideas on how to change this for ordering by the weight products only?

          The next thing is that the javascript to show price per metre(kilo) alongside the price per 10cm/(100g) doesn't seem to be working, although I have followed your instructions. Do you know why?

          The final thing is to do with the shopping cart. I would like the quantity in the weight box (ie 0.5 kg - (5 x 100g Units)) to not be editable, as this messes up quantities. and, if at all possible for the figure in the quantity column (which I would like to still be editable) to read the quantity as on the product page (ie 0.5kg rather than 5). Is any of this possible?

          Thank you oh thank you.


            As you can see, I have tried to limit the amount to min 2, but this throws up a confusing errormessage.

            Quantity: The quantity must be a whole number between 2 and 32767.
            This prompt is in Design / Text (search for "The quantity must be a whole number ") but it's a global prompt so if you change it to talk about 100g bits that will confuse people buying whole items.

            The next thing is that the javascript to show price per metre(kilo) alongside the price per 10cm/(100g) doesn't seem to be working, although I have followed your instructions. Do you know why?
            That was a huge post and I gave up contributing to it as Kai kept asking me directly for more and more help. I'm not even going to revisit it as it's far loo long and I have no idea what bits you've used.

            The final thing is to do with the shopping cart. I would like the quantity in the weight box (ie 0.5 kg - (5 x 100g Units)) to not be editable, as this messes up quantities. and, if at all possible for the figure in the quantity column (which I would like to still be editable) to read the quantity as on the product page (ie 0.5kg rather than 5). Is any of this possible?
            As far as I remember the final version DID inhibit these items being editable (both the quantity and the prompt) so either you've missed some patching or some amendments you have made have broken the code.

            Also Actinic changed the Other Info Prompt slightly in V6.1.3 onwards so that may be a problem too.

            I've attached my most recent version of these patches in case they are more useful. I'd recommend using them unaltered and see if they work before changing anything to suit your way of work.


            PS If these don't work as you need then you can always contact me by e-mail and I'll quote you for doing whatevers needed.
            Attached Files
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Thanks Norman!

