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Affiliate Scheme: Wanting to find how to pass order value

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    Affiliate Scheme: Wanting to find how to pass order value


    RE: Version 3 of AC

    In Act_Order04.HTML I want to reference both the order number and order value.

    Order Number is fine, it's NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER

    But the order value is buried within NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERDETAILS which according to the help file is a "Table that summarises the order including the items ordered, quantity count, information supplied, sub total, tax, shipping, and total. Dynamically generated by the CGI script.".

    Essentially this will go into a link along the lines of "blahblah.php?orderno=NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER&orderamount=NETQUOTEVAR:??something??"

    Even further down the line we want to be able to pass the order value less the VAT figure. One step at a time though...


    You can try using the following variables in your Act_Order04.html template (but I don't think they work in v3):

    NETQUOTEVAR:FORMATTEDORDERTOTALHTML - the order total formatted in the appropriate currency and encoded for HTML display
    NETQUOTEVAR:FORMATTEDORDERTOTALCGI - the order total formatted in the appropriate currency and encoded for CGI
    NETQUOTEVAR:ACTINICORDERTOTAL - the order total formatted in the Actinic internal format (integer number in currency base unit)
    NETQUOTEVAR:NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI - the order total partially formatted in the appropriate currency and encoded for CGI. This value include decimal and thousand separators, but leaves off the currency symbol.

    These are detailed in the Advanced User Guide.


      Thanks for the reply, I will check these out - my concern is obviously the reference to Version 3, as this is the version being used for this particular site.

      I do know that NUMERICORDERTOTALCGI isn't recognised - tried that!

      Also, I downloaded the latest Advanced User Guide (prior to my original posting) for version 3 (release 1.24) , and it doesn't contain any reference for 'ordertotal'. Maybe there's a release for download that I can't locate?

      Thanks again for the posting.



        These features were only developed for Version 4 onwards.


          Ahh... that's going to be a bit of a problem for us then

          Providing I haven't misunderstood what you've said, it's not possible to pull out of Actinic v3 the order value at close of transaction. Therefore, affiliate schemes that require this information to be passed over on the order receipt page (Act_Order04.html) are not going to be compatible.


            That is correct I'm afraid. You will need to upgrade to v6 to use an affiliate scheme in this way.

