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Can you tell if someone is logged in from a non-Actinic page?

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    Can you tell if someone is logged in from a non-Actinic page?

    I've developed the non-store pages for my site outside of Actinic, as the 'Brochure' pages aren't flexible enough for my requirements.

    I've set the store up so that if someone logs in, then within the store, the login button disappears and the NOWSERVING info is displayed.

    Is there any way that I can find out this information from OUTSIDE the acatalog folder?


    You need to somehow have your custom pages 'parsed' by Actinic - i.e. checked over and then uploaded.

    What you can do is:

    1) Copy your custom pages (and all the required graphics) into your 'Site1' folder.

    2) Create dummy brochure pages within Actinic, and use your custom pages as the 'Overall Layout' template for these brochure pages.

    3) Add whatever login variables you need into your custom pages.

    That way, you can still edit your custom pages as necessary and Actinic will treat them like an Actinic page. The downside is you have to keep these pages within the 'Site1' folder and they will be uploaded to your 'acatalog' folder online (apart from the page you use as your 'home page', which will go into the root of your store).

