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CUSTOMVAR's in Section Template

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    CUSTOMVAR's in Section Template

    Finally moving to V6 from V3 and have found the product CUSTOMVAR's fantastic. However I am setting my site up with one product per section and therefore want to give a little info in the section template to encourage people to click through.

    I have set up the section template and added the properties to the section, but they just don't appear. However if there is a section below with the same template, they appear in there - so I know the template is right.

    I know I could add some info in the section description, but if I ever change the style of the site it will take forever.

    Hope someone can help.

    The wood burning stove specialists.

    Nice site.

    I'm afraid custom property values defined at the section level are only implemented in the page that section will become - rather than in the link to that section.

    The only way to do it would be to use Section descriptions. I'm afraid I did not understand what your problem was with these - they are a lot easier to implement than custom property values and they can be imported via a flat file.


      Just checking your site and I noticed that there's a repeating background graphic at the top right when I use a 1024 x 768 screen. I was using IE5.5 at the time.

      Attached is a scrren grab.

      Attached Files
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



        Am I right in thinking you are saying the custom property only appears in the section below the one you type it into?

        The problem I have with using the description to input details such as Height, Width, Depth, Output and Prices from is that :

        1) I will have to write it all out every time or copy it.
        2) If I ever want to change the layout of the site (although it has taken 2 years to get round to changing the first effort), it will mean I will have to change each section individually rather than just one template.

        Besides, I don't import any of my products so I have no benefits there either.

        Is there any hack or anyone working on such a hack.


        The wood burning stove specialists.

