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Order Manager very slow

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    Order Manager very slow

    A customer is having problems with Order Manager taking upto 10 minutes to load and open, then when its open taking about 5 minutes to collect an order.
    This has all happened since Broadband was installed at their location. But i cant think why that would effect the opening times of order manager.
    The Firewall has been disabled and it makes no difference and all internet settings are fine.

    Any suggestions.

    My guess is that Order Manager has got confused with its DLLs and things and is struggling finding out how to load and connect to the Internet.

    My suggestion is to back up your current Order Manager data and then re-install Order Manager over the top of it (but not uninstalling first). This will replace any missing/corrupt DLLs and should not affect your current data.


      Hi Matthew

      Before you reinstall Order Manager, try the following.

      You may have ODBC Tracing switched on.

      To check/stop the tracing:-

      1.Open 'Control Panel'
      2.Open (ODBC) Data Sources (also known as 'ODBC' or simply 'Data Sources').
      3.Go to the tracing tab
      4.Click Stop tracing now
      Source: Knowledgebase Article:876
      I have had a case of this, where is was running slowly, and this fixed it

      Try this first, if its the same, then please do what Chris has suggested.

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development



        I went into Control Panel and checked the tracing. It was off. However i started it anyway, then stopeed it, and by magic, Order Manager was fixed.

        Thanks very much for the assistance.

        Thanks also Chris for your help too, that was my next step.

