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Help - direct link to product gives missing price

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    Help - direct link to product gives missing price

    Hi there

    I am having a real nightmare with this one:
    The problem I am having is as follows.

    I have thumbnail images on my homepage linking direct to products.
    If a non-member clicks a thumbnail, the product prices (retail + members) display OK.
    But if a member logs in & clicks a thumbnail the retail prices displayed are incorrect (they become a duplicate of the members price)
    This means that members who are logged in are unable to see the savings to be made between the 2 prices.

    I am using to link to the products.

    All products selected from the menu system display prices ok, whether you are logged in or not, there just seems to be a problem from these thumbnail links.

    Any ideas would be much appreciated.

    If you want to take a look at the problem in real time (this is not a plug, I just need help desperately) You can login (membership area) to my site ( as guest with a password of password.
    Please note: We sell lingerie & some adult products so you must be 18+ to enter)

    many thanks for your help

    no responses?

    There must be others out there who have a login system & want to link direct to products. Do your links work?

    I think the crux of the matter is:
    When you have a pricing structure with more than 1 price type, and you wish to display both prices so customers can see the price differences. Actinic can't hold on to NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTPRICE when a logged in customer clicks a direct link to a product.

    Any other ideas?


      This has always worked fine for me, and the format of the link you have given me looks fine.

      Try replacing your Act_ProductPrice.html with one from a 'Formats\Themes' folder just to see if it works - back up your customised one somewhere.

      Also, ensure the following:

      1) You have got a discount entered in 'View | Price Schedules'

      2) You have not de-selected 'Enabled' for any of your products.

      I doubt either of these are the cause, but it is worth checking.


        Hi Chris

        Many thanks for responding.
        I copied in a new Act_ProductPrice.html from 'Formats\Themes' & uploaded the site, unfortunately on logging in the problem was still there.

        I also checked 'View | Price Schedules' for the discount & it was there, and all products are checked as visible. So no joy.

        The settings I have for the "product details are:
        Under the "prices" tab, I have a retail price & my 10% off price.
        Retail is greyed out (can't be checked) enabled & visible are both checked.
        The 10% off price is checked as generated, enabled & visible.
        Under the properties tab I have my custom variable "MEMBERPRICE" with the only box checked as "use as customvar"

        Any more ideas?
        Thanks again


          You mentioned a custom property? I guess this is only for retail customers to show them how much they could save? I'm wondering if that is causing confusion.

          Try replacing CUSTOMVAR:MEMBERPRICE in your product layout template with


          That will hide this variable for your logged-in customers and may help you to see clearer what is going on.

          Could you also attach your product layout template to this thread (you will need to save it as a *.txt file)


            Hi Chris

            I added
            to my product layout template, uploaded & logged in, but it didn't make any difference to the price display.

            A few things I did notice that may be connected to the same problem were:
            After logging in & selecting a section from the menu, prices display ok, but the "buyer | account | Logout" line at the page top was missing.
            If I then click the membership button (I am already logged in remember) the page reloads (as I would expect) and the "buyer | account | Logout" line re-appears + the prices go wrong.
            Could this be related?

            I have attached my product layout template to see if there is anything obvious in that.

            Attached Files


              It is definitely something to do with either your product price template, or the logging in thing you mention.

              See the attached images that I have created whilst testing your template. With your current design, this is what happens.

              There is the option within Actinic of selecting 'Hide Retail Prices' for an individual buyer, which will hide the 'retail' price in the second image.

              With regards to the logging in thing, please ensure all your links within the store use the file. Any straight links to a *.html file will log your customers out.

              You can link to a login page with a link along the lines of:

              Attached Files


                Hi Chris

                I have made a few adjustments to product layout template & even though price differences are now not displayed, the whole thing seems to work better (without the member customvar)

                When you said to make sure you call all pages with
                It suddenly clicked that my menu calls straight .html files so will need adjusting.

                For example the menu calls the larger ladies page with
                What format would it be using http://your.URL/cgi-bin/ for instance?

                Thanks again for all your help. Hopefully we are getting a bit nearer a solution.



                  This is from the advanced user guide:

                  If you want to link to section pages rather than URLs, then you will simply need to link to the search script and use SECTIONID= followed by the filename of the section page

                  e.g. http://your.URL/cgi-bin/

                  Note that you have to encode any non-alphanumeric characters so an underscore '_' becomes '%5f' and a full stop '.' becomes '%2e'.


                    Hi Chris

                    Managed to sort out my display of prices (thanks to yourself) by creating another customvar for non-members. That way prices display correctly whether logged in or not.

                    I have also changed all my links, calling them with "/cgi-bin/" & all is now ok except for the homepage button, which is set-up as a customvar in "design options | site defaults | properties" as HOMELINK value

                    When this is pressed the user is sent to the homepage ok, but the logged in info/Logout details at the top of the page are obviously lost.
                    If I then change the link to call through the perl script (to get the logged in/logout details) the user is directed to a top level section/welcome type page.
                    How should I be calling the homepage from design options | site defaults | properties?

                    Once again many thanks for all your help





                        Hi Chris

                        Worked a treat, many thanks


