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Show products from top-level section

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    Show products from top-level section


    Is it possible to access the products of a section without stepping through sub-sections? I want to display products of one section on all pages, as links.

    I can loop through all sections/sub-sections, but want to go that step further and get at the products ;-)


    Hi Dave

    You can find instructions for 'taking people straight to a product' in the AUG on page 48 (downloadable here).

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      not quite what I was after...

      Hi Ben, thanks for getting back to me.

      I want to get at ALL products at whatever level of subsection they're at. I wanted to loop through them and display them on the page by section or sub-seciton.

      i.e If I have a structure like
      I want to click on a link in my page to guitars and the page shows something like:

      Arai NAE 1000 beginner Axe
      Fender Stratocaster

      Arai SA233 Semi-Accoustic beginners..
      Fender EER33n Semi-Accoustic..

      and so on...

      Is there a script for this?


        I think what you are actually looking for is a yahoo style layout for your section pages. Start here:

        and continue to

        In thes sections I got answer on how to list like:

        Section 1
        subsection1, subsection 2, etc

        Section 2
        subsection2, subsection 2, etc

        If there is another section under the subsection, the link will take you there, but if the subsection is a page with products it will take you to that page (if that makes since)

        The second post adds code to the script for making it appear in 2 colums, so the page is not so long. Also, the code calls for images of the Main section, but if you dont want that you can just take the code out. Let me know if you need to know what to take out.

        Hope this is what you are looking for.


          thanks, but still it's not

          Hi again Ben. It's still not there. I'm probably not explaining things clearly enough.

          I want to be able to click on a top-level section and go to a page showing all products in the sub-sections below it. In other words, a script that goes a step beyond those in the guides and gets at the products themselves? Can you access the products by any means other than perl?

          ta. dave.


            Re: thanks, but still it's not

            Originally posted by rubberneck!
            Hi again Ben. It's still not there. I'm probably not explaining things clearly enough.

            I want to be able to click on a top-level section and go to a page showing all products in the sub-sections below it. In other words, a script that goes a step beyond those in the guides and gets at the products themselves? Can you access the products by any means other than perl?

            ta. dave.
            That wasn't Ben the second time, it was Jonathan.

            I am a little confused, are you still wanting to have subsections below the main section and then poduct pages. How many levels deep are you going, and how many levels do you want to skip. If you use the section list as above, with your product pages below it (no subsections), it will list all the products and take you directly to the product.

            I'm not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand what you are tying to do, I think we are talking about the same thing.


