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XE Currency Converter on each product

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    XE Currency Converter on each product

    Hi there, I've scoured this forum for an answer to the problem of putting the XE Currency Converter on each product, but alas to no avail.

    Can anyone shed any light on how to pass the price of the item to the XE console?

    I've signed up to Mole-end's mailing list to gain access to the tutorial but can't wait 48 hours for a password unfortunately

    Mucho Regardo, Garry

    Hi Garry,

    This info comes with the Mole End Currency conversion.

    Open Act_Primary.html

    Place the following text within the <HEAD> tag.

    <!-- start of Harlequin currency conversion changes -->
    <SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
    function CurrencyPopup(QueryString)
    CurrencyWindow = ('', 'CurrencyWindow', 'toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,height=170,width=600')
    CurrencyWindow.location.href = ''+QueryString
    <!-- end of Harlequin currency conversion changes -->

    For example, place the text after the following line:

    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="actinicextras.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

    Open Act_ProductPrice.html

    Place the following text after the product price html.

    <!-- start of of Harlequin currency conversion changes -->
    <font size="1"><em>Live Currency Conversion into</em> <a href="javascript:CurrencyPopup('Amount=NETQUOTEVAR:COST&From=GBP&To=EUR')"></a><font color="#990000"><a href="javascript:CurrencyPopup('Amount=NETQUOTEVAR:COST&From=GBP&To=EUR')">Euros</a>
    | <a href="javascript:CurrencyPopup('Amount=NETQUOTEVAR:COST&From=GBP&To=USD')">US
    Dollars</a> | <a href="javascript:CurrencyPopup('Amount=NETQUOTEVAR:COST&From=GBP')">Other</a></font><font color="#990066">
    </font> </font> <font size="1"> </font><Br>
    <i>(To be used only as a guide.)</i></FONT>
    <!--- end of Harlequin currency conversion changes -->

    For example, place the text after the following line:

    <!-- ProductPrice HTML end -->

    You can now upload your site.

    Hope this helps.




      Steve, you're a star !!

      Thank you so much


        Another site, another problem

        I know have a problem that has manifested itself on another site where I'm attempting to put the currency converter.

        With this site, the price for some items is generated from a dropdown list and not via the Act_ProductPrice.html template, so as one would guess the currency converter is not produced on these products.

        Is there any way around this little conundrum?

        Regards Garry


          Hi Garry,

          I'm afraid we are both in the same boat. It is a question I have
          already posted on this forum but have had no replies.

          I have a site which a least 80% of the products consist of multiple choices and not just one product one price. So far I have not been able to implement the converter into that site.

          I have been forced to just display the converter on the site as a standalone function where customers have to manually input the price. It is not what I wanted but it's the best I can do at the moment.

          If anyone out there can point us both in the right direction we would be very grateful.

          Kind regards


