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Multiple Delivery Charges Question

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    Multiple Delivery Charges Question

    We currently have a £2 delivery charge on all orders under £40, we want to keep this charge on one particular set of products namely inkjet cartridges. However, we need to apply a different charge on our laser/fax toners as these products are sent via next working day courier services.

    We need to be able to apply two additional charges just on our laser/fax toner range as follows: first parcel (£5.75) and subsequent parcels (£3.75), each parcel will carry up to ten toners each i.e. delivery charge for 1 – 10 toners = £5.75, delivery charge for 10 – 20 toners = £9.50 etc.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards

    Neil Bosley
    The Ink Depot

    The tricky thing, of course, is if people order a mixture of ink-jet cartridges and laser cartridges but that's another story....

    I would do it like this.....

    Change your shipping calculation basis to weight.

    Give each ink-jet cartridge a weight of 0.001 kg. Give each toner cartridge a weight of 1.000kg.

    Set up a shipping class of 'Standard' that charges £2.00 for all orders up to 1.000 kg. Do not allow excess.

    Set up a shipping class called 'Next Day' that charges £5.75 for orders up to 10kg, and £9.50 for orders up to 20kg.

    The only thing this does not support is giving free shipping for orders over £40 for just your ink-jet cartridges.


      Hi Chris

      Thanx for the solution! Does this mean if we were to use the above method that should someone place an order for 1 inkjet cartridge and 1 laser toner the total carriage would be £5.75 .....not £2 + £5.75?


      Neil Bosley
      The Ink Depot


        Yes, because the weight will be 0.001kg and 1.000kg which makes 1.001kg - which would only qualify for the higher next-day band.


          Thats excellent Chris!!!

          Many thanks

          Neil Bosley
          The Ink Depot


            Hi Chris

            Could you Possibly spell out in simple terms EXACTLY how to set this up? I’ve checked the help files and the advanced user guide, maybe its me but it’s as clear as mud!

            Once that has been set up I also need to add the weights to our xl spreadsheet, any idea how I create the ‘field’ for the weights?

            Sorry to be a pain!

            Many thanks

            Neil Bosley
            The Ink Depot


              You need to go to 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling'.

              When there, change the 'Calculation Basis' to 'By weight'.

              Right click on the 'UK' zone that is in the white box and go to 'Add Class | New Class'. Call the new class 'Standard' and click 'OK'.

              Now (with 'Standard' selected) add a new row to the shipping grid and enter the following:

              Weight | Cost
              1.000 | £2.00

              Set excess to 'Do not allow Excess'.

              Add another new class within UK called 'Next Day' and in the grid enter:

              Weight | Cost
              10.000 | £5.75
              20.000 | £9.50

              Then set Excess to 'Take the highest value in the table'.

              You can then get rid of any zones and classes you don't want to use.

              The field for the shipping weight in the import file is 'Shipping Data' and you can enter weights directly in for products in the 'General' tab of the product.


                Hi Chris

                A couple of things:

                1. it doesnt let me enter 1.000 as a weight...only 1.00 is that ok?

                2. our product data is improted using an excel spreadsheet saved as a .txt doc....can I not just set a column with the weights in?

                Many thanks

                Neil Bosley
                The Ink Depot


                  1. it doesnt let me enter 1.000 as a weight...only 1.00 is that ok?
                  Yes - that's fine.
                  2. our product data is improted using an excel spreadsheet saved as a .txt doc....can I not just set a column with the weights in?
                  Yes, absolutely.

