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Login problem

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    Login problem


    We have now got a shopping cart system, but we are having problems with our login pages.

    When a user logouts of the shopping cart, they are taken back to the index.html page, how can we get the logout link to take us directly back to the login screen.

    Also is we go direct to the index.html page we get access to all the products etc and can create an order (though we only get half way), is there anyway to ensure that if someone directly goes to index.html (by typing the url in), that the page realises they are not logged in, and either displays a "You are not logged in page" or divert them direct to the login page, therefore ensuring they don't get to do anything on the index.html page.

    This seems to be a major security flaw. Can anyone help with this.

    kind regards
    Mel Bagley

    KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller

    Hi there

    When a user logouts of the shopping cart, they are taken back to the index.html page, how can we get the logout link to take us directly back to the login screen.
    Please check the following knowledgebase article; here is the link

    is there anyway to ensure that if someone directly goes to index.html (by typing the url in), that the page realises they are not logged in, and either displays a "You are not logged in page" or divert them direct to the login page, therefore ensuring they don't get to do anything on the index.html page.
    In Actinic, go to "View | Business Settings | Ordering"

    1. untick Allow orders from unregistered customer
    2. untick enable repeat order from unregistered customer
    3 tick request login on shop entry

    That should do it

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      Login Problem

      Nadeem thanks for your reply.

      in regard to re-directing the page with the use of the URL is there an easier way of having it got to /acatalog/login.html ???? instead of using the URL.

      Also when we log out and then if we click back and go through the catalogue again, why does the pages lose thier styles???It would be nice to know this so i can tell my design team why.

      When the shopping cart comes up without the 'Request login on entry' ticked on it takes you startight to the login page. But when 'Request logon on shop entry' is ticked on, then when we go to the catalogue it does not defualt to the login page, and also the login.html page seems to dissapear along with the index.html page.

      This is making us very confused with the whole system.

      If anyone else knows then please get in touch.

      Many Thanks

      Mel Bagley
      Mel Bagley

      KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


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