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Addition of Attributes to search results

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    Addition of Attributes to search results

    I wonder if anyone is able to assist me...

    I have created a product catalogue which includes custom attributes , I have succesfully ameded the 'Product Tempaltes' to include these using the CUSTOMVAR:ATTRIBUTE_NAME construct.

    However I would like to include these on the Search results i.e. within Act_ResultsTemplate.html - I have tried adding the 'CUSTOMVAR' element as in ther product tempates but this does not work. All the elements of the results template are prefixed Actinic:S_NAME which look as if they are returned by the search scripts.

    Has anyone else done this or know of a method to do this? Help would be much appreciated.

    Have you ticked 'Properties' in 'View | Search Settings | Results'? -this will display any matching custom property values in the search results, if you have carried out a search involving custom property values.

    Searching on custom property values is described in the Help in 'Search Settings | Business Only - Searchable Properties Tab'.

