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new posts local host problem


    Can someone please help me.

    Our site has been working fine on for ages.

    Now all of a sudden I have a problem with localhost in the email setup I'm getting the error message below when doing a TEST.

    "The computer you specified as your mail server is not a valid mail (SMTP) server."

    Check the computer name or address and try again.

    I have tripe checked my settings froma printout I took when it was working fine and they all seem fine.

    Also I have a form at

    which has also stopped working and I have no idea why ?

    Can anyone help me please ?

    I would ask Easyspace if they have made any changes to their SMTP service


      Thanks for your reply Jo.

      Still waiting for to get back to me with the standard 2 word reply

      I guess you get what you pay for as they say!!!

      Sometimes I think it would be easier to get a meeting with the queen than contacting easyspace

      When it comes to renew I'll be looking at your site Jo as you have some good prices.

      Does anyone else have any bright ideas ??? please



        This is the reply I just got back from them:-

        Discussion Thread
        Response (To***) - 18/02/2004 01:21 PM
        The webserver will just be sending on to the email address you will have listed as the contact email address.

        This should also be a valid email.

        ***And my questions was:-***

        Something has happened to our Actinic site based on your server

        Email confirmations can no longer be sent by localhost (please see attached screen shot of our setup which is correct looking at your help file for Actinic.

        Please please can you help this is driving us nuts!!!

        It was working fine until the last few days.


          I would be very grateful if someone could help me with a reply to send back to easypsace ?

          Im now really stuck!!


            Email confirmations can no longer be sent by localhost (please see attached screen shot of our setup which is correct looking at your help file for Actinic.
            Are you using localhost?

            Maybe try a search for localhost/smtp in this forum, Norman has some solutions.

            Can you post your settings, and what easyspace want your settings to be


              These are the setting they say to use:-

              Aslo a link to their screen shot:-


              --CGI Script ID Number = 1
              --Extension = .pl
              --Mail [SMTP] Server = localhost
              --CGI-BIN URL =
              --Codebase = ./
              --Path from CGI-BIN to Catalog Directory = ../acatalog
              --Path to the Perl Shell = /bin/perl
              FTP Details --Server Host =
              --Username = username
              --Password = password
              --Path to CGI-BIN = /cgi-bin/
              [These are the FTP details for your Easyspace Hosting Account if you need these resent click the button below]

              The thing is our site has been working fine for over a year on easyspace so whys it gone wrong now when I havent changed anything

              Does ACTINIC use a email server on our website to send the customers confirmation ?? i.e how does it work ?

              Is there anyway of checking to see if this is working properly.

              All email to is working fine just not when actinic uses the site to send emails to customers.


                Right down at the bottom of is a link to some instructions for using 'sendmail' (a perl module) instead of SMTP for doing emails.

                I'm sure your network settings are fine. Try the sendmail patch to see if it works. You may want to ask easyspace if they have sendmail installed on their servers - it is pretty common though.


                  Could this be related to the virus that is going around.

                  The reason I ask is that my ISP is Giointernet which has been having massive problems with the email out from customers and was basically shut down for two weeks whilst they patched it up, in my case the actinic email worked fine but I had to revert to BTopenworld to send via outlook.

                  I guess your provider may have put new security inplace to prevent the virus, but thats just a guess
                  Chris Ashdown


                    Thanks Norman

                    I have tried your soloution above.

                    No errors are coming up on the site but we are still not getting a email confirmation.

                    I spent several hours on this tonight and I'm really fed up now.

                    It was working fine since we brought Actinic over a year ago and now its not WHY ?

                    easyspace have been no help at all and just come back with a load of rubbish they dont even seem to read my emails properly.

                    Their idea to test was to put a dummy order through on our site which of course worked fine (thats not the problem)

                    Customers don't get a email confirmation of their order and we dont get an email telling us theres orders to download and we cant send the shipped order email anymore.

                    what hosting company can we change to and get better service

                    is any good before i smash this computer to bits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      Its now working again!!!!!!!!!

                      easyspace finally fixed it

                      the server our site was based on had a hard disk failure and they did not setup it back up right

                      has anybody got any thoughts on the web company



                        To the best of my knowledge there are people in this forum who host sucessfully with oneandone, I'm not sure which package you would need though. However I would always recommend us!

