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Login Problem 2

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    Login Problem 2

    See the previous post:

    Login Problem 2

    Nadeem thanks for your reply.

    in regard to re-directing the page with the use of the URL is there an easier way of having it got to /acatalog/login.html ???? instead of using the URL.

    Also when we log out and then if we click back and go through the catalogue again, why does the pages lose thier styles???It would be nice to know this so i can tell my design team why.

    When the shopping cart comes up without the 'Request login on entry' ticked on it takes you startight to the login page. But when 'Request logon on shop entry' is ticked on, then when we go to the catalogue it does not defualt to the login page, and also the login.html page seems to dissapear along with the index.html page.

    This is making us very confused with the whole system.

    If anyone else knows then please get in touch.

    Many Thanks

    Mel Bagley

    Mel Bagley

    KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller

    But when 'Request logon on shop entry' is ticked on, then when we go to the catalogue it does not defualt to the login page, and also the login.html page seems to dissapear along with the index.html page.
    By de-selecting 'Allow Orders From Unregistered Customers' and selecting 'Request Login on Shop Entry' (in Business Settings | Ordering) customers are automatically shown the login page whenever they try and enter the store via the 'Products' link on the brochure home page (or via a special offer link in your brochure pages). If you link to a store page via a standard URL, you should get the message "This catalog is reserved for registered customers only. Please contact us to register." appearing at the top of the store pages, and Actinic will give an error if they try and purchase.

    There is a fix on p63 of the latest advanced user guide (headed 'Bouncing Unregistered Customers Out of Sections') that gives you some code to automatically re-locate unregistered customers to certain pages if they have not logged in. This can take people to 'login.html'.

    By the way, 'login.html' has gone as 'index.html' is now being used as the login page.
    Also when we log out and then if we click back and go through the catalogue again, why does the pages lose thier styles???It would be nice to know this so i can tell my design team why.
    This is a separate issue as it should work, and should not lose the stylesheet. Please check you have the line


    in your store overall layout (Act_Primary.html) template.

    Also check you have the line


    in your Act_BrochurePrimary.html template. They should both be amongst the first 10 or so lines.


      Re: Lost styles etc

      Mr Dicken

      Thanks for your reply, I have checked for the text in both files regarding the style sheets, and they are both in there, but even with the deleting it all via FTP and refreshing it still loses the styles and shows all the script debug dialog boxes.

      Also tehn when it refreshes the page, thinking it would go back to the login page, it redirects to

      which Act_LoginPage.html is ok for us to go to but it should be looking for it in acatalog not cgi-bin.

      Have we made a mistake in one of our files or is this a value that can checked out within Actinic.

      Many Thanks
      Mel Bagley

      KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


        Another thing missed out from previous post

        I've got 'Request logon on shop entry' checked on. I log into the site no problem, then browse somewhere (or just stay on the page your on when logged in) by clicking the home button, it the redirectcs you to the login page, it knows who you are (has my name up the top) but still requests a login, upon re-logging in, the page takes you to the normal page you get one logged in BUT that loses its styles as well (also if when on this page, and you click a product it brings up page not found)

        The only way were are getting it to work ok is by un-checking the 'Request logon on entry', which is a pain as requesting a logon is something we require, but only to do it once and not on the home button.

        I have updated my actinic to the latest update (its - 26th jan 2004), and it still does the same.
        Mel Bagley

        KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


          continued at
          Mel Bagley

          KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller

