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Extended Info Page Problem

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    Extended Info Page Problem


    I am finding a problem when i go to add a new product. I copy and paste from previous products because they are quite similar anyway. I now need to add in an Extended product info page number manually each time. I am sure that it use to do this automatically.

    Anybody got any ideas??

    Thanks Will

    Im too also having this problem and thats since I did the upgrade from actinic 6.13 to 6.14.

    Im not sure why the upgrade changed it in the first place it was much easier the way it was.

    Does anyone know a way round it?


      Hi there,

      I believe this is a problem with version 6.1.4. The function is not working as it did before or as it supposes to be working. Actinic automatically used to change the extended info page name, however as this is not working in V6.1.4 this would require manually, changing the extended info page name until the next release of the software.

      The problem may have been caused as a side affect of fixing another bug in the software.
      Thank You
      Menar Khan



        This is affecting us greatly, due to the sheer number of products we have in our catalogue... several thousand.

        Any idea on the timescale involved in rolling out an upgrade/patch to resolve this issue?

        Everyday we are adding more and more products, and due to the nature of the products, several of these have the exact same extended info and summary info, all we change is the title on some so we just copy paste in an effort to speed up the process... and this is causing Actinic to kick an error on upload.

        This error stops us from uploading until we have gone back through each of the products (one by one) and checked for the duplicate product reference in the extended HTML file.

        Please reply asap, as I'm getting earache off my client.
        Chris Owens
        Actinic Support Subscriber
        On behalf of <a href=""></a>


          We have exactly the same problem, maybe not as many products, but we are constantly adding new ones, using exisitng products as templates.

          Would be very interested to know when there may be a fix for this.



            I have also experienced the same thing upgrading from 6.0 to the newest version. However, what bugs me the most is the fact that Catalog sometimes warns me that the name of the extended information html page is a duplicate, and other times does not. But my store is not that large, so it's not much of a problem.

            Regarding the automatic renaming function that worked in the earlier versions, I think (please correct me if I'm wrong, I've only been working with this application for a couple weeks) it works by appending "Copy of____" to the front of the original name. So I have found that after a few "copy & paste"s, the name of the file can by something like "Copy of____ Copy of____ Copy of_____Copy of____Info54.html". Because of this, I found myself manually renaming the files to avoid possible problems that might occur with very long strings.

            If the above is true, it seems to me that if you have hundreds or thousands of products you will end up with VERY unwieldy and unprofessional-looking links, and that there would be a limit to the length of the copied name that would cause it to stop working at some point. Thus I feel that instead of just patching/fixing the function, it would be better to change it (addition to the WISH list?) so that it increments the number of the name (info89->info90->info91, etc) rather than using the "Copy of___" method.

            Again, I'm just a newbie, so forgive me if I have misunderstood the issues or mechanisms involved here.



              Many thanks for your input on this. I have passed all your comments on to Actinic Management and hopefully a fix will be available soon.


                Originally posted by Norio
                Regarding the automatic renaming function that worked in the earlier versions, I think (please correct me if I'm wrong, I've only been working with this application for a couple weeks) it works by appending "Copy of____" to the front of the original name. So I have found that after a few "copy & paste"s, the name of the file can by something like "Copy of____ Copy of____ Copy of_____Copy of____Info54.html". Because of this, I found myself manually renaming the files to avoid possible problems that might occur with very long strings.

                If the above is true, it seems to me that if you have hundreds or thousands of products you will end up with VERY unwieldy and unprofessional-looking links, and that there would be a limit to the length of the copied name that would cause it to stop working at some point. Thus I feel that instead of just patching/fixing the function, it would be better to change it (addition to the WISH list?) so that it increments the number of the name (info89->info90->info91, etc) rather than using the "Copy of___" method.
                Thats how it works for categories/folders as I seem to remember.

                However, when dealing with products, I'm sure it incremented the info_xxxx.html with the correct product reference number.

                Anyway, at least Actinic is aware and doing something.
                Chris Owens
                Actinic Support Subscriber
                On behalf of <a href=""></a>


                  Is there a fix for this yet?

                  Is there a fix for this yet?
                  Fitness for life!

                  DIFN - Doing nothing is not an option

                  The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements


                    Hi Owen

                    There is no fix available yet.

                    The fix will be available in the next major release, and in a maintenance patch for v6 (which will be available after the next major release goes into production).


                      Any Idea When the next Patch is due

                      We have a client that also has several hundred products and is experiencing the same problem. They are less than impressed about having to keep going back and double checking all the pop-up page names.

                      Does anyone have any idea when this will be fixed, our client is obviously very displeased with this situation, and nothing seems to have been added to this thread for some weeks?


                        Your best bet is probably to roll back to the previous version until the patch is done.
                        Fitness for life!

                        DIFN - Doing nothing is not an option

                        The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements


                          Reverting would not work. The patch was installed to specifically counter another known bug, which was fixed. But I could do with some sort of timescale to give the client?


                            Can't help you there mate. Try contacting Actinic directly
                            Fitness for life!

                            DIFN - Doing nothing is not an option

                            The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements


                              Last thing I heard from Actinic was to not expect a patch or upgrade before the next version of Actinic is released.
                              Chris Owens
                              Actinic Support Subscriber
                              On behalf of <a href=""></a>

