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Purchases using Apple Macs

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    Purchases using Apple Macs

    There appears to be a problem with some Apple Macs being unable to complete orders on our website. All works until it reaches the window requiring credit card details. This window appears not to load properly and the section for entering the details, although it is there, is invisible but can be activated by intelligent clicking on the page. So far we have established the problem on OS8.1. There appears to also be a problem on OS9.2. Would anyone with a Mac help to identify the OS's having the problem. Since the order will not complete without the credit card details you will not receive any unwanted goods by working through placing an order on our web site -

    Thanks for your assistance

    I see you are using the Java Applet.

    You will actually have a problem with this with some of your PC customers as well as some new XP machines are shipped without the Java Virtual Machine installed, which means some people may have a 2-3 MB download before they can place orders.

    The other problem with the Java Applet is that you do not get a golden padlock in the browser, which means some customer may not think your store is secure, and so abandon their purchase.

    For these reasons, we no longer recommed people use the Java Applet. Instead we would receommed getting a SSL certificate for your site (ask your web host about this) or else using a Shared SSL Service (available from Actinic and others).

