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Couple of requests...

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    Couple of requests...

    Can these be done already, or if not, could they be implemented soon?

    1) Allow customers to create an account without any admin intervention (with price schedule set at 'Retail' by default, and only changed by the admin)

    2) Allow the following options for registered customers only:

    a) View previous orders
    b) Change account details and password
    c) Create RMA: Shows a list of items they have ordered to select for the RMA
    d) Show pending orders, and allow products to be changed (increase/decrease quantity)/added/removed until the status changes from Pending to Processing. Status can then be changed to Dispatched.

    3) Real-time stock control. Once an item is ordered, it is reduced from the stock online. It can also then be shown as reduced in Actinic once the order is downloaded

    Number 2) is the main one I'm interested in, as it would stop (or reduce) the number of people emailing for the status of the order.

    Thanks David

    I'm afraid none of these are available in Actinic at the moment, nor will they will be available soon.

    I have passed all this onto the development team on your behalf.

