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Site re-desgins

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    Site re-desgins

    Have been working of three sites and following comments from a previous posting have made a few changes. They are now live but would welcome any commetns to improve them.

    Thanks in advance (I hope) - vitamins for macular degeneration - natural/organic cosmetics and skin care for sensitive skin & eyes - eye drops, vitamins and other eye care products - optical and prescription swimming goggles

    sorry that should be - vitamins for macular degeneration - natural/organic cosmetics and skin care for sensitive skin & eyes - eye drops, vitamins and other eye care products - optical and prescription swimming goggles


      I'm not an experienced Actinic developer, but I'll give my humble opinion in exchange for learning how you did a few things.

      I'll post one message per site.

      -Like the fact that there's a single thought onthe homepage, i.e. not too much stuff.

      -I would put "Enter Store" as the very next link, rather than all the way to the end. This way it's the first link the customer sees.

      -Like that the main image is clickable to the o - that's intuitive.

      -Don't really like the two non-product categories, "Safe Levels" and "Order by Post" being part of the section list. You have nice thumbnail images that would look nicer without those two sections being there. The Safe Level info can go into a brochure page or fragment, and the same for the Order Form actually.

      -I REALLY like the product page. The combination of a nice image, product info and thenthe purchase options compact underneath. Well done.

      Q1) How did you modify the standard Online Shop logo?



        -Again, like the single, clean image and it going straight to the catalog.

        -I do wish the navigation links would shed thei brackets for the page you're on. If that can't be done, then at least create a fragment title of the page you're on, e.g. "Make Up Tips" So I know where I am.

        -Again, I think the "Enter Store" should not be all the way over to the right. I assume your primary goal is to make money, not educate?

        -Again, don't like the "Order by fax" being thrown in with the product sections. I'd create a brochure page for it.

        -After you click on a section, there's no intuitive way to go back to the main category listing, since the section list isn't displayed.

        -You put a lot of work in creating this catalog, and it shows. Well done.

        -The hyperlinks in the Links page should be a different color so they stand out.

        -Colour palettes are AWESOME!

        -I'm a firm believer in changing the Contact Us link in the catalog pages to Email Us. It's only right.

        -Maybe make the images in the brochure pages clickable to the actual product or the applicable section?!

        No questions for you on this site, yet.




          -Beautiful header.

          -Again with the brackets though. But, in this case there are fewer links, so it's not as bad.

          -I wish I could see the thumbnails of the products on the first page ofthe catalog. I had to read quite a bit to understand what each product was. It's when I see the thumbnail on the product page did I then fully appreciate what it is. I'mm leaning towards making the first page a product list rather than a section list. That way you show the customer images of the products right away.

          -Apart from that, I love it.

          I'd like to share with you (and everybody else) my first site when it's "done" hopefully next week, to get your feedback.



            [QUOTE]Originally posted by hyper

            Nice use of the Surf Side Action template.

            Just goes to show that a little bit of lateral thinking on what might be a standard html template, can be reproduced within the Actinic template system.

            By possibly incorporating more of the original template into the actinic system will add to the section and sub-section navigation, i.e. thumbnails.



              It could be just down to my ancient W95 laptop but the "Add to Basket" graphic on the prescription goggles site makes me think that I need to renew my prescription.
              Chris Brown



                The pictures here are very nice but misleading - you show hugh collections of makeup but in fact you only get a few items, the last one for example gives you eleven items but shows a picture of a stand with 100 or so different things on it.

                You are selling this makeup as 'eye-care cosmetics' and the front page does detail why this particular brand of make up is good for your eyes, maybe you could make more of this in the catalog content.

                Terms & Conds page, you have "This site is owned and managed by James Sutton, an optometrist register with the General Optical Council in the UK" looks like a typo to me, should it say 'registered' or 'registrar' not 'register'.


                Macula Degeneration - you have a buy now button at the bottom of this page which I think looks at bit odd.

                The front page of the shop looks nice but I found it a bit scary because I didn't know what any of the products were, I think that I would be more likely to leave than click on each of the sections to see what they do, maybe a short piece of descriptive text would be useful here.

                The product pages look nice, on this one you don't say how many bottles you are buying at a time, these as well,,

                It was nice to see "suitable for vegetarians" on visionace, I couldn't see it on anything else though, so presumably they are not suitable.

                The order form is a nice idea - have you considered adding this as a quick order section in your website, you could use a single add to cart button section to do this and it would make it easy for your repeat customers to order.


                Lovely front page.

                I would change the add to cart button. It would also be nice to see the products on people, it is hard to get an idea of size etc by just looking at the googles.

                http://www.prescription-swimming-gog...f_Aquasee.html has no place to enter the details of your prescription. You also only show a picture of one of the colours. Actually I have just found the bit to enter the prescription details on the cart confirmation page I prefer your other approach, it is less prone to error. If you want to keep it on that page then take a look at Norman Rouxel's extended info patch which allow you to convert the additional info page into a little form (

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                  Thnaks for all the comments I will review and make a few changes.
         - vitamins for macular degeneration
         - natural/organic cosmetics and skin care for sensitive skin & eyes
         - eye drops, vitamins and other eye care products
         - optical and prescription swimming goggles


                    Have made a few changes now.

                    Once again thanks for the constuctive comments - don't agree with all of them, buit hey that's why life is so rich.
           - vitamins for macular degeneration
           - natural/organic cosmetics and skin care for sensitive skin & eyes
           - eye drops, vitamins and other eye care products
           - optical and prescription swimming goggles

