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Adding a tax zone for a US state

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    Adding a tax zone for a US state

    I am trying to set up Catalog 6 (US version) to apply a sales tax to just ONE state in the United States - Colorado. All other states and international destinations have no tax levied. I thought I had found the answer at the following thread where a user was trying to do the same thing with Florida:

    However, when I attemp to follow the instructions

    ("...remove all existing tax zones from the 'Tax Zones' dialogue (apart from 'No Taxes Levied') and then click 'Add Zone'.. Call it Florida, and then in the right-hand window select 'Florida' from within 'United States' and click the '<' button."),

    I find that there is nothing "within" the United States in the right-hand window. There is only the "United States" and no hierarchical listing "within" it. I can't figure out how to add only one state to a tax zone. I see that in Advanced|Locations, the United States has all the states defined for it in the States/Provinces section, so the information must be available somewhere...

    Why can't I access the states from the Tax Zones dialogue. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks for any help you can give to me!

    In your new 'Colorado' zone, click 'Edit Zone' and select 'United States' from the list on the right.

    You should have a little '+' next to where it says 'United States'. Click this to view all the states within the United States and then select 'Colorado'.

    It should be there.


      Thank you

      There was no "+" to be found next to the United States in the list. However, your response made me realize that I wasn't doing anything wrong, and that there must be some problem with the setup. My version of Catalog was, so I downloaded the newest version (6.1.4) and did a clean install and imported the site snapshot. Everything went smoothly and when I went into the tax section, and added a "colorado" zone, there was the "+" next to "United States".

      Again, thanks Chris for your timely input which helped me realize something else was wrong!


