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Site Search - whole site or just products?

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    Many thanks Norman,
    I will more than likely keep things as they are (Norcascade, ext info mod).
    I am going to try and find an easy way of adding the page names/urls of the extended info pages to the sitemap page.

    I dont actually use the sitemap in general on the website and there are no obvious links to it.

    There is however a hidden link attached to a graphic of my home page. (seacrh engines should find it).

    Hopefully adding the popup page urls to the sitemap will help find their way into search engines. (someone please let me know if I am barking up the wrong tree).



      Sorry in advance for a long post with various questions but I will try to break it down a bit.

      Adding links to the extended popup pages to the sitemap is easy.
      Most if not all of my extended info pages are prefixed with"info_" so finding all those pages is easy, all that is needed is a quick search.
      Adding Page Links
      Q1) Does anyone know of an easy way to add all the links or even just the page names (Directory listing) of the pages found into a page being edited using Dreamweaver?

      I have tried all kinds of ways but with no luck. I don't really want to be manually adding all 190 or so.

      My next problem was going to be:
      I thought I should see what would happen when someone does actually come to follow a link to a popup page via a search engine.
      Because I am using Normans great little popup mod I get a message that the product is not found and do you want to close the window.

      But since posting this and following the link created via the preview it seems to work fine. Also when the page is closed the main product page is brought up - ideal.
      Please can you check this is the case for you by following the link below.
      Try here:

      Well that has actually shortened my post by making several more questions I had lined up unnecessary.

      Please post your findings and or help with the top questions.




        Q1) Does anyone know of an easy way to add all the links or even just the page names (Directory listing) of the pages found into a page being edited using Dreamweaver?
        If you have manually created each of your sections, you can find the section page filenames within the 'Catalog section' table in the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' database. They are in the 'sPageName' column.


          You probably want to only use those fields where Status is "N" and bHideOnWebSite is "0".

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Thanks guys,
            That does work and it works well.

            I was actually after adding the file names of the extended info popup pages.

            These can be found in the 'Product' table under 'sExtendedInfoPage' column.

            That has certainly saved an awful lot of work.
            I am just wondering if it is all going to be worth it.

            If you follow my test link a few posts back, it seems to work fine.
            If I vist the page by cutting and pasting the link into the explorer address bar, the page opens but with the error stating the product cannot be found...make sure the page is still showing etc.

            I cannot work out why one method works and another doesn't nor wether or not the problem could be solved.

            My concern is that once these pages are indexed by say Google and the links are followed, the viewer would get the error messsage.

            Trouble is that ther is no real way of testing this until the pages are indexed.

