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displaying multiple images per product

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    displaying multiple images per product


    I'm building my site and want to put in two different views of the same product on my product page. I searched the threads and found this, which I started trying:

    "...You can also use custom properties. For example, create a custom property called 'Second Image' (or something) in 'Advanced | Custom Properties' ..." which I've done, however the next bit "...and then include code such as the following in your product layout template:

    <img src="CUSTOMVAR:SECOND_IMAGE">..." has thrown me. Whereabouts in the HTML text should I insert that code?

    Also - have put up 8 thumbnails on my catalogue page by creating 8 sections, so people can just click on an image to get to the product page. Is this the best way of organising this info (I only have 4 products - but there's 2 images per product). And, I've sized all the thumbnails to 100x100pixels, but they haven't lined up neatly in the two rows I've made for them. Any ideas why not?

    many thanks


    Re: displaying multiple images per product

    Originally posted by cazbot

    I'm building my site and want to put in two different views of the same product on my product page.
    In Act_ProductLine, or whichever product template you're using, put <img src="CUSTOMVAR:SECOND_IMAGE"> wherever you want it to appear on the page.

    For example...
    <img src="CUSTOMVAR:SECOND_IMAGE"></td>

    Go to my test store at and look at the Calculator in Basic Products and you'll see a pair of boots under the calculator pic.

    Also - have put up 8 thumbnails on my catalogue page by creating 8 sections, so people can just click on an image to get to the product page. Is this the best way of organising this info
    Do you have a url for this?

    ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth


      thank you Malcolm - will try this on Monday. Haven't got the site up yet, still need to choose a host....will ask this question again when it's up.
      thanks again


        You can always make one graphic that has mulitple images on it too. So that it appears to be multiple pics, but is actually one long vertical image.

        Like this:


          inputting second image file to product details

          thanks malcolm and brandon.
          can't do one graphic with multiple images as need to let people click on each thumbnail to get a blow-up but thanks for idea.
          Have done the html bit successfully, but only seem to be able to instruct the product details page to pick up one picture . How do I tell the product details page to pick up a second image?

          many thanks



            I posted some patches that allow you to have several images per product (1 main image as usual and 1 thumbnail per choice). The main product images changes dynamically as each choice is selected.

            Search for "multiple images" in the last month or 2 and you'll see it.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              animated pics?

              Ive made up animated pics to give me different pics for each thing. image sizes are bigger, but it works.

              check out

              and see!


                Re: inputting second image file to product details

                Originally posted by cazbot
                Have done the html bit successfully, but only seem to be able to instruct the product details page to pick up one picture . How do I tell the product details page to pick up a second image?
                Assuming you have set up your new custom properties in Advanced | Custom Properties, and put the CUSTOMVARs in the relevant places on the page, you need to implement them in the product window. You will need individual CUSTOMVARs for each image, e.g. "CUSTOMVAR:THIRD_IMAGE", etc.

                Open a product and go to the Properties tab. Click on the '+' next to 'Property' and select a property name from the droplist under 'Property'. Under 'Value', enter the name of the required image, then tick the box under 'File Name'.

                With a bit of luck and passing wind this should display your image. Repeat the process for the rest of the images.

                Also have a look at Norman's patches, they could be an easier, or more elegant, way of doing the job.

                ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth
                ¤ ARTISAN INTERNET LTD


                  We have done this fairly easily with some custom variables and inspiration from Norman's various posts. See



         (bottom of page)

                  Let us know if you need some more help.



                    Also is using my image per choice.

                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Cant get it to work

                      I must be a thick bugger cause I can't get it to work

                      entered the custom properties, copied the line and entered it into act_productline.html. Went into product added custom variable and file name, can't see the scond image.

                      Can someone help me please


                        Please give us either your product layout template you are trying to use (save it as a *.txt file and attach it to this thread), or a URL where we can see your code.


                          Here you go.....go on point out how stupid I am
                          Attached Files


                            Product line looks OK (although I've never used an Underscore in a fragment name) so you may want to try without that.

                            If you could post an URL so we could see it would save a lot of guessing.

                            Anyway, look at the generated source of a page (Just Preview it and do View / Source in Internet Explorer). Have a look at the generated HTML and see if it contains your Customvar data or is empty.

                            If empty, you may have failed to set the Value of the Custom Property properly. You have to check File Name and uncheck Use File Content.

                            Also if you're using Business (or Developer) you need to uncheck Searchable and Check Use as Customvar.

                            Norman -
                            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

