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All products on one page

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    All products on one page


    Is there an easy way of listing (on one page) all of the products and thier associated sections e.g.

    Main Section 1
    Sub-Section 1
    Product 1
    Product 2
    Sub-Section 2
    Product 3
    Main Section 2
    Sub-Section 3
    Product 4

    etc etc. ??

    Is this possible, or will we need to create a custom page????
    Mel Bagley

    KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller

    This is not possible I'm afraid. You can get all your sections and sub-sections appearing (with the java-script section lists described in the Advanced User Guide) but not the products as well. You will have to create a custom page.


      Re: All Products

      Would it be possible to have this on the wish list for future versions????

      Actinic could build the full product list when its updating the website (if product have been changed), providing the user has 'create complete list' selected. (you can tell i've thought long about this)

      Its just a thought. It would be nice if this option was standard, not sure what any one else thinks.

      Mel Bagley

      KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller


        Please, yes. This is needed - a complete list of products which can be printed out, faxed; handed to sales reps, that sort of thing. In the meantime, i'm going to see what sort of HTML page MSExcel can produce...



          For a rudimentary product list you could use Access reports using the ActinicCatalog.mdb database and table Product. I'd recommend working on a copy of that database just in case...

          If you select only rows with a Status of N and sort by nParentSectionID then Product sequence, that will give you a section by section grouping of your products.

          More experienced Access users may want to look-up the name of that nParentSectionID in table Catalog Section where nSectionID is the corresponding field.

          To get a hierarchical list of sections would be a lot more ccomplicated.

          Of course this will not display any helpful info regarding choices, components or prices that come from permutations.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            I'm thinking about having the complete product list as part of the website, which would be generated by actinc. It can already do sections and sub-sections at a push but it would be nice to include the products in that too.

            I've noticed on many shopping cart sites, they have a full list and against those items they may have images to notify that, there is a picture with this image or in stock / out of stock, all as a quick reference point for the user to see. This would be ideal to be able to do this aswell, then obviosuly they can click what they want, if they want to view a product with an image then they can, instead of trawling through actinic clicking images or links.

            Also this may help ljd, as his sales guys would also have a quick ref point on thier products etc
            Mel Bagley

            KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller

