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Fonts - Anti Alias

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    Fonts - Anti Alias


    Have a question about fonts...

    I have a number of brochure pages inwhich i have an image (red square) with a word on it to depict the location that the user is in.

    Within my store, I am using NETQUOTEVAR:PARENTSECTIONSTOP which i have set in a table with 1 cell, with the same image as above (red square) but with no word (in the image) so that I have Store - New In, or Store - Catalogue apearing automatically on the red square depending on where the user is. Here is a link to my store...

    If you click on Store in the nav bar you will see what the red square with text in the image looks like.

    So, my question is... THe text in the image is Verdana 14 Bold with Smooth Anti Alias. The text in my Netquotevar is Verdana +2 Bold. Is it possible to add the extra part ie Anti Alias to the html code so that the 'live' text is the same as the image text.

    Thanks as always


    Steven, I am quite sure it's not possible but what you could do is the other way round (use the 14px image without anti alias). Or use Arial as a fonnt which I think is more smooth even in bigger font size.

    Hope this helps



      Hi Leo

      Yes, i thought as an alternative I could do that. Trying to match up fonts seems a little difficult tho, there is a slight differce in these two...

      <SPAN CLASS="actxxsmall"><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Verdana"><B>NETQUOTEVAR:SECTIONNAME</B></font></SPAN>

      Verdana 12 B

      Any thoughts, I guess I could try removing the actxxsmall, but since the font command comes next, i assume that would be what is used?



        Whay not use css to give your font the size (12px) and the colour white??


