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Components with attributes "need to close up big spaces between each"

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    Components with attributes "need to close up big spaces between each"

    I have been able to close up the spaces where i have a basic component as on my pages. Cylinders

    I have then tried to repeat the same changes to my pages where components have "attributes". I have been unsuccesfull and would appreciate some help again. See REGULATORS[/URL]
    I need the pages to look the same as the Cylinder pages.


    Go to 'Design | Text' and click the 'Go to' button. Go to prompt ID '2045' and remove the <br> from that field.


      unfortunately that didn't work. It altered the line spacing on my cylinders pages. That's not what i needed.
      I need to close up the line spacing on the regulator pages so that they look like the Cylider pages.
      I just cannot seem to find the code or the correct page that controls this.



        If you view the source of the page, you will see the code giving you the gap is:

        <P CLASS="actxsmall"> <Actinic:PRICE_EXPLANATION PROD_REF="399" COMPONENTID=1></Actinic:PRICE_EXPLANATION></P>

        This code comes from Act_VariantComponentName.html.

        Replace the <p class=...> tags with <span class=....> and replace </p> with </span>.


          Thanks Chris. Thats much better. Your last fix with <span.... did the job. I'm almost there.
          However I still have one blank line between each of the component selection boxes. onRegulators
          I though I was clever and followed your previous help with "Go to prompt ID '2045' " that solved the blank line problem on my regulators pages however it makes my cylinders pages where I am using check boxes for components all appear next to one another and wrap to the next line.
          Sorry to be a pain but this is beginning to frustrate me.
          Do I need to change all my cylinder components to be "components with attributes" as on the regs pages?
          I would prefer not to as the check boxes work well on the cylinder pages and they present better.
          Again your help is greatly appreciated.


            Why not just add a <br> at the end of Act_VariantCheckBox.html?


              Thankyou that's done it looks so much better now.
              Just wish I could get my head round how to find where to look when changing these bits. There must be a simple solution. I perdonally would benefit from a "mind map" i.e a diagram showing page layouts and which "Act... html page controls it. I find having the long list in the back of the manual useful but not very user friendly. Anything being designed???


                How about if you go to 'Advanced | Template Manager' and then click 'Change View' so you see the blue and white graphical template manager. This is designed as a 'mind map' in the way you describe.

                You can also find a list of all the variables within a particular template by going to 'Help | Help Topics' and looking at the index.

