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Italics when text is wrapped around image

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    Italics when text is wrapped around image

    Hi guys, i have a page where i have text wrapped around an image, but when i do that, act makes the text italic by itself...

    in the template manager, the <i> tag doesnt show up at all, but when you edit the actual html page, the <i> shows up.

    take a look here

    hope you guys can help.

    This only seems to be happening on items where you've got the profduct description in a List (using <li>). It looks to me like you've hand-coded the product image in there as well.

    I see 2 or 3 errors.

    1) In these hand-coded items you don't have any <ul> and </ul> around your List. Could it be that your using the <i> tag by mistake instead.

    2) You're getting JavaScript errors on every page. This is due to an error in patching in the NorTree code in Act_Primary.html. Remove the lines

    [cpde]// Norman Rouxel ( ) amended to work with Actinic netquotevar based
    section structure
    From Act_Primary.html and all will be well.


    p.s. It will also stop me getting spammed as I was a bit dumb putting my e-mail address in there in plain text.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      ok well i've removed

      // Norman Rouxel ( ) amended to work with Actinic netquotevar based 
      section structure
      from act_primary.html
      and i saw that in the "act_parentsectionslink.html" page that the <i> was next to the <b> so i removed it. i think that was the problem.



        It's not in act_parentsectionslink.html (I'd put that <I> back there).

        You are using a custom product template for those pages with the bulleted lists on them and the <I> is either in there or attached to the product image code.

        You've still not added in the <UL> and </UL> tags around these lists.

        A good way to see what's coming from where, is to go into Design / Options / Miscellaneous and uncheck Compact HTML/CGI. Now Preview a page, and View Source (if using IE) and you'll see fully commented HTML which will show where things are coming from. Don't forget to re-check Compact HTML/CGI to keep your live site page sizes down.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          the italics seems to be coming in just before the <img src= code

          and when you say to put the <ul> and </ul> around the lists, do you mean i have to go to edit the product details and put the code at the start and the end of the full description?


            and i dont know if you noticed or not, but if you go to and go to "start shopping"

            the <head> and </head> is being interfered with by a form post action.

            i manually changed the html page to fix it, but when i update the site with act, it comes back. is there a template or something screwing it up?


              and when you say to put the <ul> and </ul> around the lists, do you mean i have to go to edit the product details and put the code at the start and the end of the full description?
              Where have you got the <li> and </li> tags that create your bulletted items? Are they in your full description? If they are then you need to add the <ul> in before the first <li> and add the </ul> in after the last </li>.

              the <head> and </head> is being interfered with by a form post action.
              You have got NETQUOTEVAR:FORMBEGIN in your <title> tags within the overall layout template (Act_Primary.html - 'Design | Options | Layouts | Default Overall Layout'). Remove it.

