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internetters shared SSL

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    internetters shared SSL

    We have just recently moved to Internetters shared SSL, We have different credit cards set up on the system with different required information (e.g Visa/Mastercard require cvv number, switch require issue numbers etc).

    When the order process goes to the SSL site it does not highlight in red the required field for that particular card that has been selected. But only asks you for card number/card type and expiry date.

    If you enter only these three fields it then bounces you back and tells you to enter the missing field.(which still won't be in red text)

    We have made the text clearer to explain this but it still is not right as it should appear in red(required field)

    I have spoken to Internetters and they have told me that it is a problem with Actinic.

    Hope you can help


    Craig Regan

    In Shared SSL you should have fields shown as required when a field is required for all available payment methods. Make sure your 'required' colour is not the same as your 'text' colour.

    When a field is only required for one payment method, a footnote appears to that effect.

    Please see the attached image for an illustration (from Actinic's Shared SSL rather than Internetters)

    My guess is maybe Internetters don't have the latest Shared SSL scripts installed and they need to contact us to discuss.
    Attached Files



      Thank you very much the screen shop shows exactly how i would expect it to be shown,

      All the required fields text colours are shown correctly so i will go back to internetters now.

      Thanks again

      Craig Regan


