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My BASE HREF is not staying set?

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    My BASE HREF is not staying set?


    I seem to be having a problem with my BASE HREF value. I have set this in Act_Primary to be but it doesnt seem to be staying set.

    For most of the site, it's fine, but if you go to you'll see what I mean - view the source and about 8 lines down will be <BASE HREF="">.

    If it looks ok to you (i.e. all CSS formatted etc) then I have placed an image of what I see here- - just in case.

    Any ideas why the href is not staying as what I have told it to? Is there another place (in the software perhaps?) that I have to set the value?


    Er, quick edit:

    I did search the forums and found that if I purge session files and then refresh my page it all works fine. I did that yesterday, but today when I come into work the page was all distorted again, so something is conflicting here :/

    Anyone looking at my page will probably have to look at the image now since I have just purged the sessions... cheers.

    OK, here is the deal.

    Here is an example of a link to a imaginary product on your store:

    Now if this link was on a file in your 'acatalog' folder and I clicked on it, it would work fine (and all images, css etc. would appear). However, If I clicked on this link from, say, this site then it would not work.


    Because the page the link is on matters. This 'referral page address' is the value that is given to the Perl to populate the 'BASE HREF' value.

    So even if you purge all session files, if this link is still on the wrong page, it is still not going to work.


    You add the ACTINIC_REFERRER= parameter to the link to the store e.g.

    This forces the Perl to use the correct base href value.

