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    I want to completely alter the way my site navigates. I've done a design and created buttons to replace the text hyperlinks that link to the product areas down the left hand side. I can't work out how you use my own buttons. Is there a way to do this, or am i asking the impossible? Ta in advance!

    I don't know which template you're using, but you can define the buttons that are used in design options=>navigation.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




      Thanks for the response. I understand about design options, however, the buttons i'm talking about are bespoke buttons created by myself which will run down the left hand side and act as the product buttons in the store. In the templates, they appear as text hyperlinks. Can u help?


        I think the text links are positioned in the primary templates using a netquotevar (toplevelsectionstop I think).

        just comment that netquotevar out of the template and type in your buttons as links using the link reference used in the text version (or just using the destination url if you know what you're doing).

        A good way of making sure the link is right is to make a note of the link destinations before changing the template.


        PS. This all sounds too easy, if it's something else let me know what problem you're having.

        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Cheers Mike,

          I know what you mean about it sounding too easy. I seem to have one of those problems, that however you look at it, it won't work! I think i need to stand back from it before my laptop ends up being thrown through my living room window! I've tried the suggestion you make, i've done that in Dreamweaver. I'll re-visit it and try again.



            make sure you still have the basehref statements at the top of your template and note that calls to the cgi-scripts (for the cart, checkout, simplesearch, etc) all need a referrer defined to work properly.

            My sites use my own navigation throughout so it is definitely possible to get it working.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


