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Unique References

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    Unique References

    Hi all,

    I have a product i.e. "a label" and each label has a unique reference no. For example the reference of the label is 1360-204/A for letter A, 1360-204/B for letter B, etc. I have created a dropdown menu using components, attributes and choice - here the customer is able to choose the required label from A-Z.

    The problem I have is that it seems that I have to start with a unique product in order for the customer to then make a product selection from A-Z. But by doing this I am getting 2 product references in the shopping cart:
    1. the original product in this case I allocated 1360-204 as the general uniquie code and
    2. the selection they make e.g. 1360-204/A

    Ideally I would like the customer to see the product picture and discription and the choice they make from the dropdown menu is the only product that appears in the basket.
    How can I get around this?


    First of all, well done on getting this far.

    What you need to do is:

    1) In the component, select 'Component as Separate Order Line'.

    2) In the product, go to the 'Components' tab and select 'Sub of Component Prices' for the 'Pricing Model'.

    3) Select the 'No Order Line for Main Product' box that appears.

