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Product Details where type input is required

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    Product Details where type input is required

    Actinic has worked very well on our website where we have a number of products with a lot of choices and price variables. We are now wanting to add products (custom rubber stamps) where part of the product selection would require the customer to key in what they want on their stamp (name address,etc) Can actinic do this? I would appreciate any advice

    Hi Linda

    You can do this by using an 'other info prompt'.

    You do this by going into the Product Details in Actinic, then going to the Prompts tab. Where you have Other Info, this is where you can type your prompt, i.e. 'What text would you like to appear on the stamp'. Your prompt can be up to 50 characters.

    Once you have done that, Upload your site, and then customers will be promted to enter the infomation when ordering that particular product.

    Hope that helps


      use the other info prompt... buy default this is a single line, but can be modified to be a box.

      Look in the AUG.

