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Search results in table

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    Search results in table


    I have been editing the way my search results are displayed and now have this...

    <TD ALIGN=LEFT><Actinic:S_ITEM/>
    <td><img src="arrowfwdred.gif" width="10" height="10"></td>

    What I am trying to do is break them apart into columns, i have created the following table headings...

    <tr bordercolor="#999999" bgcolor="#999999">
    <td width="96"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Artist</font></b></td>
    <td width="91"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Title</font></b></td>
    <td width="91"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Section</font></b></td>
    <td align="center" width="68"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Price</font></b></td>

    So, is it possible to break apart the table results. I have tried <td>...</td> each component of the results, but find that the next result repeats on the same line. I do have <Actinic:SEARCH_RESULTS> and </Actinic:SEARCH_RESULTS> outside <td></td> which I think is causing this....

    This may be easier if I attach the file....

    Any suggestions...

    Thanks, Steve
    Attached Files


    If you put the <TR> and </TR> tags inside the <Actinic:SEARCH_RESULTS> and </Actinic:SEARCH_RESULTS> tags it puts the results on new lines - so it should look like:

    <TD ALIGN=LEFT><Actinic:S_ITEM/>
    <td><img src="arrowfwdred.gif" width="10" height="10"></td>


      hi Tracy, thanks for that, i think i tried most things but not putting the Search_results outside of the <tr></tr>.

      THe table looks much better, and I have played with it some more so that it has a fixed width or 760px. I have tried to change the width of the colums that the section and price components are in, but they dont seem to want to budge. I have set both the column headers and td widths the same and wide enough to accomodate a long section name but alas, it appears that the section name has a command of its own....

      Code for column headers:

      <td width="70"><div align="center"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Section</font></b></div></td>
      <td align="center" width="30"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Price</font></b></td>

      and for the rows below these headers:

      <td width="70"><div align="center"><Actinic:S_SNAME/></div></td>
      <td width="30"><div align="right"><Actinic:S_PRICE/></div></td>

      Any further advice available?

      Thanks, Steven



        Looking at the original code you posted, you have one more cell for the results than you do for the headings and this seems to be putting the layout out. I turned the border on to see what was happening. I also found that specifying the width of all cells so that they add up to the total width of 760 ensures that it displays correctly. I tested out the following:

        <TD colspan="3" ALIGN=LEFT>
        <tr bgcolor="#999999">
        <td width="30">ssss</td>
        <td width="30">bbbb</td>
        <td width="150"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Artist</font></b></td>
        <td width="300"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Title</font></b></td>
        <td width="220"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Section</font></b></td>
        <td align="center" width="30"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Price</font></b></td>

        <TD width="30" ALIGN=LEFT><Actinic:S_ITEM/></TD>
        <td width="30"><img src="arrowfwdred.gif" width="10" height="10"></td>
        <td width="150"><Actinic:S_LINK/><B><Actinic:S_PNAME/></B></A></td>
        <td width="300"><Actinic:S_DESCR/></td>
        <td width="220"><Actinic:S_SNAME/></td>
        <td width="30"><Actinic:S_PRICE/></td>
        <TD colspan="3" ALIGN=LEFT>

        Notice that I have commented out the '<td><Actinic:S_PROP/><BR></td>' line. If you have custom properties to be searched on you will need to create a heading for this field.

        I hope this helps.

