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protecting website

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    protecting website

    hi there
    i have been trying to find a way of protecting my site and images etc.. is there any kind of script i can add into my actinic catalog to stop people right clicking on my images, after all the hard work i've put into it

    There are numerous ways to get images off your site without using right click so it may not be worth the trouble. E.g. Print Screen button, Screen Capture inside Paint Shop Pro, direct entry of the image URL then Save As, etc, etc.

    Someone wanting you images will get them no matter what you try and anything you do may annoy normal users who often use right-click for other purposes.

    If you expect piracy you could either add a visible watermark or an invisible one so you can go after the pirates via the law.

    If you search the Forum for "right click images" you should find some nice big well-heated threads about this.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      I have overlayed my web address semi-transparently over my images. did it in photoshop


        We do the same thing as David suggests, using Photodex Compupic. The software is much cheaper than Photoshop if you just wanted to do this (around $60 I think). You can set up the overlay as a simple macro, which then just required you to ALT-A on any image you want to mark. You can also batch process them if you have a lot to do.
        You can buy it over the web as a download - just search for photodex compupic (you'll need the pro version if you want to use batch processing).
        Overlaying your images makes them pretty useless to your competitors, and at the same time makes each image a mini-advert for yourselves.


          Invisible Watermarks

          It is too bad that M$ makes it even easier to steal images with that little pop up when your mouse is over an image. We've gotten rid of the "no-right-click" because of that. Your average user probably didn't even know about the "right-click" to capture images.

          The suggested watermarks are fine but can be rubbed out with just about any photo editor. We use the visible watermarks for "honest" cheaters.

          We also embed tiny ones that are only a few pixels high that will help our attorney if we ever need her for this.

          To embed an "invisible" watermark, with a photo editor, enlarge your image until you see the individual pixels. Then, print your copyright name, pixel by pixel. Make it about 5 pixels high, just like old digital readouts. When the image is the original size, this watermark will not be visible.

          This works unless the theif reduces the image size or the jpg compression. But what lazy thief who steals images will go to that trouble?

          Hope this helps in fighting copyright infringement! Any more clever suggestions are welcomed!

