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    search results


    Ok, a few questions on the search results...

    1. Price - how can i align the resutls to the right. I have tried

    <td width="30" align="right"><div align="right"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Price</font></b></div></td>

    but it will not budge from the left side.

    2. Section - how can I remove the ( )s that surround the section location name. I have also tried to reduce the width (got a seperate post on this...) but below a certain amount it forces it to 2 rows even tho there is enough space on the first

    3. Results - I have a table of results, I have tried to reduce my first column (Resutls) but it will not shrink. I have tried

    <td width="10" align="center"><div align="center"><b><font color="#3f0303" face="Verdana">Result</font></b></div></td>

    A link to my info page is

    in case it would help to see by doing a search. try Barkman as a search criteria.

    THanks all


    Oh, 1 more thing...

    Does the Parentsectionstop link not display automatically in the results page. I know that it does not display at the store section page, is this also the csae for results.

    Since the resutls page fills in the blanks of Act_Primary, i guess the only way to include the section name is to write in in the code (as I have done), but, this puts it in a non consistent part of the page compared to Act_Primary




      I've got some answers for you, but I'm afraid I am not going to be able to debug your code for you. It may be you have to go back to an original results template and try re-applying your customisations again.

      1. Price - how can i align the resutls to the right.
      I managed to do this without any bother. Here is my code for the results....

      <table border="1">
      <td align="right"><Actinic:S_PRICE/></td>
      <!-- <Actinic:S_DESCR/>

      I don't know why it is not working for you.
      2. Section - how can I remove the ( )s that surround the section location name.
      Trickier this. Open '' and search for 'S_SNAME'. It will be in a line that reads...

      $ACTINIC::B2B->SetXML('S_SNAME', $sTemp);

      Above it is a line that reads:

      $sTemp = "($sTemp)";

      Remove the brackets so it reads:

      $sTemp = "$sTemp";
      3. Results - I have a table of results, I have tried to reduce my first column (Resutls) but it will not shrink.
      I had no problem with this so it must be a strange thing in your table code.
      Does the Parentsectionstop link not display automatically in the results page. I know that it does not display at the store section page, is this also the csae for results.
      That is the case, yes.


        Hi Chris

        Thanks for reply.

        Ive played around with my code based on yours and it seems to have done the trick.

        I removed the column widths of each product so the header set it, this seemed to fix the problem of width and alignment.

        And the perl code worked a treat.

        You Da Man


