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HELP please - VAT structure not working

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    HELP please - VAT structure not working

    VAT Rate is set to 17.5%. I have defined 3 Tax Zones
    EU, UK, No Tax Leivied, all taxed by Invoice Address. and the EU Tax Zone has the Allow Exemption checked, with a check box and prompt for the VAT number if they have one.
    In Design Options Miscellaneous I have Show Prices Exclusive of VAT checked.

    I need VAT to show separately in the shopping cart and checkout and also on the customer receipt. If the customer enters his VAT number I need that to show on his receipt also.

    Alas, none of this is happening and I cannot figure out why. I have followed the HELP texts and I'm pretty sure my setup is correct, but it can't be and I cannot for the life of me find my error. Can anyone shed any light on this frustrating problem.

    Re: VAT

    The prompt and the box for the VAT number are appearing but I'm still having trouble getting the VAT to appear in the cart and the customer email...
    Anyone got any ideas?


      Hi Mark

      Could you let us know a URL please. Actinic should automatically show the VAT in the cart/checkout/receipt. I'm just wondering if your Actinic store (for some reason) thinks you are from a country that is outside of the EU. I can check this for you if I can see your store.


        Re: VAT

        Hi Chris,
        Thanks for the offer of help but it's sorted now. I feel a bit silly really but I discovered that the Tax for each individual product was set to "Exempt". I had to reset every product manually. It did surprise me that all the products were not reset automatically when I configured the Advanced Tax setup. However, as I said, it's sorted now. Many thanks once again.

