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Update permutation pricing (automating an addition price)

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    Update permutation pricing (automating an addition price)

    My client's catalog has a structure where each product of the catalog has permutations with pricing.

    Here is an example:

    Photo A
    5x7" = 5.00
    8x10" = 7.00
    11x7" =10.00
    sheet of wallets = 10.00

    I've been asked to update all the prices and have done this using an a few update queries in access and it works fine.

    The issue I have now is they want to add ANOTHER permutation resulting in:

    Photo A
    4x6 = 4.00
    5x7" = 5.00
    8x10" = 7.00
    11x7" =10.00
    sheet of wallets = 10.00

    I was just asked to do this and before I invest time into a solution I wanted to see if people have done this before. It looks like it could get ugly. I could write code using VBA inside ACCESS to loop through the 'ProductProperties' table and use DAO to insert a new record with the appropriate data. But before I go and do this I wanted to check to see if there were any faster solutions.

    However this is done, it must be automated. The client has thousands of products.

    Also what do people usually charge for updates such as these?


    First of all, well done on having got so far with the queries.

    I'm afriad I know of no way to add new choices and permutations without entering them within the Actinic interface. Here's something that might help - a description of how all the nValue and sString fields in the 'ProductProperties' table relate to Choices and permutations...
    7 – Choice	Associated with Attribute
    nValue2	choice code – identifies the choice in a Permutation
    sString1	choice name
    sString2	HTML sepataror
    sString3	HTML for name of choice on web
    8 – Permutation	Associated with Component
    nValue1	retail price
    sString1	CSV list of choice codes. The codes are as follows: AC1:CC1,AC2:CC2,AC3:CC3,...etc... where AC is attribute code and CC is choice code
    sString2	associated product reference
    sString3	backup of sString1, used during cut and paste operations
    bFlag1	Is permutation valid?
    bFlag2	Are there prices associated with this permutation?
    bFlag4	Use associated product name?
    bFlag5	Use associated product tax?

