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Checkout not working - takes you back to the homepage!

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    Checkout not working - takes you back to the homepage!

    We are in the process of migrating the Actinic part of our site to an in-house server (where everything except Actinic and the CGI-BIN is currently hosted). Its in the testing phase right now but Im having a big problem that is stumping me!

    When you go to the Checkout and arrive at the 'Select your Country page' (forced to UK) then click 'next' - instead of taking you to the next checkout page it returns you to the Homepage!

    this dosent happen when I update the existing site in the outside world only on the in-house server version.

    I originally had a problem when uploading/refreshing the site to the in-house server - Got a Server500 error at the 'Merging Files' stage. I cured this by copying all *.pm and *.pl files from the 'Actinic Ecommerce v6\Original' folder into 'Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1'. Was this problem related?

    OK - some more info on the problem - ive been messing around with it on and off today.

    After updating the main external site (the working one) it developed exactly the same problem. I then decided to import a previous Snapshot and then refreshed the main site. It works again. I now refresh the in-house hosted site and get a Server 500 error at the merge Stage. I then copy all *.pm and *.pl files from the 'Actinic Ecommerce v6\Original' folder into 'Actinic Ecommerce v6\Sites\Site1' refresh the in-house hosted site and it goes through smoothly but still have the error with the checkout.

    now I refresh the main site and also get exactly the same checkout problem. So I import the snapshot again then refresh the main ste and its fine.

    So - it seems that when I import a snapshot and then try to refresh the in-house hosted site the only way it will upload is by replacing the *.pm and *.pl files - but this stops the checkout working.


      I don't know what the problem could be. Please register an email support request at and the team there can take a look at the two snapshots and see what is causing the problem. I can't really make a diagnosis without seeing the data.

