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multi priced items

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    multi priced items

    I have a problem where the more you buy the cheaper it is.

    Table of discount

    1 - £4.49
    2 to 5 = £3.99
    6 to 10 = £3.59
    11 to 20 = £3.39

    I have achieved this using 2 components.
    named 1 this contains 1 to 10 with prices overide on the permutations.
    11 to 20 component - with permutations set with overide on permutations.

    Works fine In as the correct price comes up but possible to add the quantity they select to go in the quantity.

    If possible can i put the quantity to go on the products page & then get actinic to select which permutation to select..?

    At the moment the way we do it is have 1 product per variation
    1 1 120630 Product code
    2 - 5 120630a Product code
    6 - 10 120630b Product code ect..

    Is this the only way we can do it????
    David Shorthouse,
    Website Manager,

    Re: multi priced items

    Originally posted by Queenswood

    Table of discount

    1 - £4.49
    2 to 5 = £3.99
    6 to 10 = £3.59
    11 to 20 = £3.39

    Ive now changed my idea put the above into 1 component.
    Setting each permutation.
    Then telling the customer to put in the how many they require.

    I know that this could lead to someone clicking 11 to 20 £3.39 & being able to buy 1 for the above price.... This way looks alot nicer. but unless I can validate the amount they put in with the permutation???

    David Shorthouse,
    Website Manager,


      Are you using Actinic Business? Actinic Business has the ability to do quantity-dependent pricing. Customers can just enter how many they want in the quantity field, and Actinic will automatically edit the product cost. These prices are set up in the 'Prices' tab by adding new rows to the grid.

      If you don't have Actinic Business, then the way you are doing it is the only was that it can be done.


        Many thanks Chris.. we have actinic catalogue so...
        David Shorthouse,
        Website Manager,

