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volume pricing

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    volume pricing

    Excuse me if this has been discussed recently...

    My client wishes to offer a product "pen" with pricing based on volume "250" "500" "1000" they also wish only to offer the items in those volumes.

    I know there is some way to do this or part of it through components but a little help on how only to offer three quantities for sale as well would be great.

    Many thanks


    Hi Stuart,

    Try this:

    Right click on your "Pen" product and select new component. Call it something like "Quantity"
    Right click on the component and select new attribute. Call it something like "Please Select Quantity"
    Create three choices by right clicking on the attribute and select new choice. Indicate the price within the name, e.g.:

    250 - £5.00
    500 - £10.00
    100 - £15.00

    Double click on the component and select the Permutations tab. Click Fill List then enter your choice prices.
    Once that's done open the Product Details and select the Components tab. Select Sum of component Prices for the pricing model.

    You can change how you want your choices to appear by double clicking on the attribute.

    Hope this helps.

    Toby Blanchard


      Hi got some good help on this from Actinic support.

      Did as you said but also tried this way so we have fixed number ordering & volume shipping.
      Make one "Pen" product and three more products "250", "500" & "1000" each with the price right for that amount of pens. Order min & max set to 1 and hide on web site, we also used the weight to give volume dependent shipping costs.

      On "Pen" we made a new component "Order" & Attribute "Quantity" (looks nice in checkout "Order Quantity") We then made three choices "250" etc.
      In the component Permutations we changed the pricing to associated products prices & linked to the three hidden products.
      Next back in the "Pen" product on the components tab we changed the pricing model to Sum of components.
      Lastly we removed the Quantity box on the section to quantity in Shopping Cart.

      is the test site.

      Many thank Actinic support!


