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Text in cart and at checkout

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    Text in cart and at checkout


    Firstly, thanks for all the recent replies to my numerous postings (especially Chris at Actinic). I was thinking over lunch as I strolled through a field that this forum for posting messages has as much value as the application itself.

    So, moving out of the field....

    I have set up my site so that I dont calculate taxes, so the price I load a price in the app is the price that shows on the site, and the price in the cart and checkout. There is no stripping out the vat in these last two areas. (I am conscious of non UK shipping but will need to ponder).

    I have edited the text in Design | Text so that my 'Total' price reads 'Subtotal'. It is my intention not to show 'Total' until the shipping costs have been added. I am about to integrate into HSBCs app so not sure what the next steps are here, but within the receipt page, I would like to set the last row of the cart to 'Total'.

    I am not convinced this is possible since the receipt page cart instruction is NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERDETAILS and as such I wont be able to edit the line.

    Q: Is it possible to break out the code within the receipt so that I can hard code 'Total Price' into it. So, rather then the one line NQV:THEORDERDETAILS, can I include things like NETQUOTEVAR:PRICE and NETQUOTEVAR:COST, and construct my own table. From previous tries at adding in a NETQUOTEVAR, this typically results in the word NETQUOTEVAR appearing on the page.

    Or, is there a simple fix?

    Thanks for info


    There is a variable available in the receipt page (Act_Order04.html) for including the order total into the HTML. You may be able to cleverly include this in underneath NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERDETAILS.

    The relevant variable is NETQUOTEVAR:FORMATTEDORDERTOTALHTML - the order total formatted in the store currency and encoded for HTML display.

