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Change 'Contact us' to point to a page

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    Change 'Contact us' to point to a page

    I am still having trouble and cannot find a solution.

    All I want to do is change the link of the 'contact us' button to point to a page where I have a formail form (its actually on a brochure page). Instead of the standard mailto:blahblah
    I want to do this to cut down on junk mail and email address harvesters.
    I have managed to remove all other email liniks and disguised other with javascript, this is the only one remaining.

    I'm Running Catalog 6.1.4 & using theme "Curves" with text as navigation buttons rather than pictures.

    Q: Where can I find the script/html/code that needs to be changed?
    It must be possible, especially as it has been added to the next version available (v7)

    Many thanks


    Simon I think what you need to do is this:

    Go into the Design Options screen and select the Navigation tab. Delete the values for Send Mail Icon: and the two images (these are probably mail1.gif and mail2.gif)

    Now from the advanced menu select Template Manager if you have the Colourful view click change view until you see the tabed view. Now select the Main tab and click Primary. Notepad or your default text editor will open, search this file for NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE

    Straight after this add the following, but change the Yahoo link to your brochure page:

    <a href="">Contact Us</a>

    Let me know if this works?



      yes Nick Uk's solution will work.

      The only way in which this hard link will differ from the mailto link as generated by actinic is that it will appear on every page.

      Normal nav bar disapears in the checkout phase


        Hi there,
        Nick, it does work however there are a couple of problems.

        1. The style is different to the rest of the options. (see pic)
        I'm sure this is not a problem as you can simply edit the html around it to suit.

        2. The brackets from the original button are still in place.
        I think you can remove these but it will remove them from the rest of the buttons also. Not sure if I want to keep them or not.

        Thanks for your help


          Simon i haven't tackled the style yet, did you delete the two image entries? I am sure if you leave these there this causes the [] to remain.


            Hi Nick,
            Thank you for your help, I have it sussed now.

            I have tried it again and the [] have gone this time.

            I have managed to match the style of the new link to the original by applying this html below.
            I did try to tidy it up a bit because there seemed to be too many spans of the same type but this just made the text change size and colour so I have left as is for the mean time.

            <span class="actxxsmall">[</span> <b><A HREF="" TARGET="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVTARGET" NETQUOTEVAR:MOUSEOVERCALL><span class="actxxsmall">Contact Us</span></A></b> <span class="actxxsmall">]</span>
            I have added this to the suggested place (just after NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE).

            It does actually only show where the rest of nav bar is shown and not on the check out pages, this is good.

            It is all working exactly as I wanted it to and I can now stop pulling my hair out.

            Many thanks



              Hi Nick

              Do you know how to do this for the contact us down the left hand side. I am using the Curves theme. I managed to use your info for the top even though I have a big space between Home, Login and Contact us.

              Many thanks


                Hi Sheila,

                Please make a backup of the Act_Primary.html, in your Site1 Folder.

                Open your Act_Primary.html with an editor, and search for NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAILLINK .. It will come up in this bit of code...

                <td><a href="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAILLINK" target="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAILTARGET"><img name="lmenu_info" src="lmenu_info.gif" width="175" height="33" border="0" alt="NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAILTEXT"></a></td>

                Substitute NETQUOTEVAR:NAVBMAILLINK for the URL of your own Contact Us page. Save and exit. Upload the site and you should have it working fine.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King

