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Component / Pricing

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    Component / Pricing

    Hope we can get this one figured out. I need to add additional
    Components / pricing. Here is an example:

    Bouquet Basket $59.95 regular pricing

    Then they would have a choice of selecting deluxe or premium.
    Deluxe $69.95 Premium $79.95
    If you could walk me through this I would appreciate it! I tried this but I had a few snaps.
    Where I would like to insert this on the page is here under:
    Price: $62.75 ( GST at 8% and PST at 7%)

    Here is a link to look at:

    I would like it look like this

    Price: $62.75 ( GST at 8% and PST at 7%)
    Deluxe $72.75 Premium $82.75 (2 words in red)

    Can it be done this way?

    As always!

    Here's what you need to do:

    1) Create a regular product called 'Bouquet Basket' priced $59.95

    2) In the 'Prompts' tab, edit the 'Price' field to read 'Regular Price'.

    2) Right-click and select 'New Component'. Call it 'Selection'.

    3) Right-click on your new Selection component and select 'New Attribute'. Call the attribute 'Type of Basket' and make sure 'Select Using' is radio buttons and 'Separator' is 'New Line'.

    4) Right-click on your 'Type of Basket' attribute and create three choices: 'Regular', 'Deluxe', 'Premium'.

    5) Go into your 'Regular' choice and change the 'HTML for Name' field to read:

    !!<<font color="red">Regular:</font>>!! $59.95

    6) Do the same for the Deluxe and Premium choices (editing as necessary).

    7) Go into the 'Selection' component and switch to the 'Permutations' tab. Click 'Fill List'.

    8) Within the 'Price' column enter $0.00 for Regular, $10.00 for Deluxe and $20.00 for Premium.

    9) Go into the main product and go to the 'Components' tab. Make sure the 'Pricing Model' is set to 'Sum of Product and Component Prices'.

    That should do it.


      Component / Pricing

      Hi Chris,
      That works thanks!

      I just want to go with Deluxe & Premium and leave the regular price under the product (Standard Way) Is there a way to keep Deluxe & Premium fields unchecked? By doing this the regular product price would kickin. I hope I have explained it properly.


      Basket Of Flowers
      Price: $62.70 ( GST at 8% and PST at 7%) (Regular Price)

      If they wanted the other choices they would select

      Additional Choices (This is just the header)
      Deluxe $75.95 Premium $85.95

      Right now the deluxe button is selected by default
      I'm assuming this might not be possible to do it this way?



        Make sure that there is a choice for 'Regular' and that it is the first option within the attribute. That will mean it will be the one that is selected by default.

